Bluegill - Big Bluegill

Do you love big bluegill?

I have a small (5' wide) year round creek running across my property which I would like to fish for BG. Can someone tell me in what part of the creek they would likely be residing this time of the year? Shallow, deep, lots of debris, clear water, or the creek entry from a pond? I have yet to catch an eatable size BG in my pond. Now, I want to try the creek. I live in TX, so it's not freezing cold here.

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Are you sure BG are in the creek? Typically, in my area anyway (NE) we have just chub and bullheads. If I were you I'd comb that creek with a variety of baits, probably mostly worms and grasshoppers, and see what you catch. If you find there are BG, or other desirable species, in the creek, than the experts on this fine website will be able to help.
First I'd start with any spot that combines slower water (like behind a brushpile or bend in the stream), with an incoming water source like a small feeder creek. Bluegill will seek out areas where there are potential food sources, and places to rest in slack water. Can you provide any photos of the area?
Well, I tried all the suggestions, even took catfish food and tossed it out all the way up the creek. Not only are there no BG, there seem to be no fish at all. Which is strange because this creek is overflow from a 400 acre stocked private lake. Guess all the fish stay in the little "pond" on the other side of the street. Lots of people fish there. The previous owner of the creek says he would catch all kinds of fish there, can it be a fellow fisherman would lie???????
There are fish in there Sharon. I can be 99% sure of that without even seeing the creek. Keep trying what Bruce suggested. In my creek the little fish set up in the still water areas, the deeper, wider spots. I use a small grasshopper or crawler on a small hook and bobber and can catch a little chub every cast. Unless the creek is unhealthy for some reason, you will have fish in it. Whether it's worth fishing, well, that's up to you. ;)
Well, I could try again. Better than not fishing until spring, or catching nothing but babies in the pond
Well, I fished every part of the creek today, didn't even get a bite. I have a spot I think is perfect for fish. It's slow moving, in fact it swirls around in circles, and is very deep. Does anyone think that maybe this is just the wrong time of year to fish for BG? Wrong time of day (10-12)? Go ahead, tell me it's me, I'm willing to try anything you suggest
I'll let someone more experienced answer the question, but I really believe you're bound to find other species than BG in the creek.
I figured out what happened to the fish. In the summer the water was getting so low that the fish would either starve in their small pool, or a predator would get them. We have added a small dam this summer, and the water is now 2' higher than the usual summer level, which is inches. And, we have dug down in spots, so there are some hiding holes. So, I have a question. In this 1 cubic acre creek, there are lots of small (4") bluegill, 50 bass which are now 6", the usual catfish, GSF, shiners, etc. No crappie though. If I want this creek to raise bass, is there any reason that I can't raise crappie too? AND, my neighbor says "croppie" taste better than bluegill. What's your opinion?
Is your croppie neighbor the one that won't let you dig on his land? Frog legs taste better than any of them. Stock frogs instead.

I don't know anything about raising fish, but in a small area, I would think crappie would be a major food eater. Possibly harmful to bass and bluegill size and population numbers.
Well, his stories about everything keeps changing, last time I talked to him his favorite fish was bluegill. No, he is another neighbor, not the A.H. across the creek. He's old, a nice man.
I will tell you what I have read and been told by others, if crappie are not in there do not stock them. The body of water you are talking about is too small and the Crappie with overpopulate and ruin the creek.

Now there are some Hybrid Crappie that are not supposed to have such a dense spawn and may be an option for you. I am actually thinking about putting some in 1 if not all 3 of my ponds just to see how they do. Their offspring is supposed to be inferior and if you have a nice LMB base in your water they more than likely would take care of the spawn.

This is what I have been told and have yet to experience myself so take this and research yourself please.

Just wanted to pass on my 2 cents.

Didn't have much time to fish yesterday, so I left the bait and hook in the water. When do BG or any other creek fish do most of there eating? Don't want to go down there too soon. There has to be a fish there somewhere! lol


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