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 I've had a few fish, while scaling them lose their scales and skin down to the meat off their backs from the lateral line to the spine.

 Question: Anybody else have that problem and is it due to heat?

Yours in service

James and Kathy

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Your applying to much down pressure with too sharp a scaling device, no i'm just joking, I usually put all my fish on ice as soon as I catch them, they scale easer and taste fresher.
What gills I do keep I fillet, flipping the fillet 'skin-side' down, then I saw my knife back and forth from the tail to the head and remove the skin from the fish. Quicker, easier and less messy than scaling.
try using a spoon
I don't know if the heat might be causing this to happen. I do know that the older I get, the less I can take the heat, and the easier my hide scrapes off with the least of bumps it seems. Maybe the fish this happens to are just OLD!!!

Don't know how you scale 'em. For most of my life I've use a tablespoon and it worked pretty good. Then I joined this site and most everybody talked about fileting them. I tried that and liked it. My wife still insists on some small ones fried whole though so I still have to scale some. I bought a scaler tool at Bass Pro last year that is the best scale tool I have used. I was impressed with how well and quickly it worked. The big plus was scales really didn't fly all over the place. Here is a picture and a link to the Big Norm Fish Scaler.

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