I am getting a 2wt, and I know you are a 2/3 weight guy. I am looking at the St Croix Imperial 6' 2 wt. Just curious what you use?
The Imperial is made in Mexico, which kind of sucks. It has gotten great reviews on www.flyfishohio.com and been highly recommended on another fly fishing forum I belong to.
Just curious what rod and reel are your favorites. I toss small poppers and foam spiders, some wets and dry's too...
It would be good to get the perspective from a fellow warm water guy. Many of the guys I talk to are trout fisherman.
Well looky looky! I been watchin you tube videos all day today and came across the unHOOKum tool. I thought it was so cool I put a spot in on the bluegill tackle review with the link to the page so everybody could check it out. A few hours later I Got to readin in bluegill fly rodders and seen that line I been hearing all day. unHOOKum ! Check out the name of the fella and go back to the web page and well THERE YOU ARE! haha. Even the world wide web is getting to be a small place!
Cool product and video.
Fly Rod D
I am getting a 2wt, and I know you are a 2/3 weight guy. I am looking at the St Croix Imperial 6' 2 wt. Just curious what you use?
The Imperial is made in Mexico, which kind of sucks. It has gotten great reviews on www.flyfishohio.com and been highly recommended on another fly fishing forum I belong to.
Just curious what rod and reel are your favorites. I toss small poppers and foam spiders, some wets and dry's too...
It would be good to get the perspective from a fellow warm water guy. Many of the guys I talk to are trout fisherman.
Oct 5, 2009
Jeremy R. Mayo
Cool product and video.
Take a kid fishing.
Jan 24, 2010
Zack Thomasson
Feb 7, 2010