Larry Dando


Edinburg, PA

United States

Profile Information:

What state are you from? This can help us get together for fishing trips!
Western Pa.

Comment Wall:


    Proud to be on your friends list Larry and don't be a stranger to me and drop me a line anytime you like and will help in any way I can buddy............

  • dick tabbert

    Larry the only trigger spins I have are on my 11' rods which I don't cast much actually I think I've only used them once. Not for any reason I just love my 5' ultra lights. All my reals even the trigger spin are Pfluegers. Sorry in all honesty I can't tell you about it because I really don't use it enough. Now the wife has a Zebco trigger spin but that is a handy cap reel it has a motor on it. Sorry Larry I couldn't be of more help I would suggest maybe starting a FORUM I'm sure there are people who use the trigger spins and they can give input on there experiences and opinions.