Star City, AR

United States

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  • James and Kathy Acerra

    Welcome to Arkansasfishers Stephen from the folks in the hills.
    glad to have ya.
    This is a great site and I've enjoyed all the tips and talk.
  • James and Kathy Acerra

    Howdy Stephen
    Yea it does boggel the mind why we face the heat for a measely two fish.
    but thats a tad diffrent up in the hills.
    Y'all are a bit wamer down younder.
    I worked for the State but lived in Benton a while back so yea it get's warm and if you fish in a creek or pond and no wind whew that makes for a rough job.
    Well go early and late to try to beat the heat.
    Lot's of luck.
    James and Kathy.
  • James and Kathy Acerra

    ADoC at Wrightsville I was a Sgt and road a horse cleaning up your highways lol. but that was way back when. Course the Director used to be the Asst. Warden there.
    How times have changed.