did you get my reply to your desires for becoming a private water manager/pond meister? not to overwhelm you but you are in the right place...let me know when you are thinking about pulling the trigger - I am willing to lend as much advice as I can - I know with the right help from guys like Bruce Condello I saved tens of thousands of dollars. i'm pumped for you - managing your own water is such a trip - I really encourage you to go for it.
Im sorry to hear that IWG. My condolences to you and your family.
I understand your passion for creating your slice of heaven on earth - and trust me, its worth every dime and second you put into it. You know that feeling you get when you obsess about a project and the inevitable disappointment when you're done it doesn't quite live up to your expectations? Well, not the case with the pond construction!
I would encourage you to create as many small ponds as you can [.1 - 1 Acre] so you can get lots of different projects going simultaneously. I can't wait to hear about your plans, and hopefully see the land you end up buying.
There are lots of good aquaculturists, engineers and dirt guys by you that Bruce knows VERY well. I encourage you to reach out to him or us when the time comes.
Wow, I love your thinking my friend. Great questions, and you are totally on the right track.
Your goals and my goals are super similar, along with a great resource named Bruce Condello - who taught me what I know. You should take a second sometime and think about your goals. With ponds as small as .1 acres you can create multiple fisheries with many species. The thing to always keep in mind, the king of all details, is WATER QUALITY. If you have plenty of good, oxygenated water the options are vast.
Want a muskie pond? Rainbow/Brookie/Brown Trout pond? Monster Gill pond? Reproduction pond? You can achieve all this - and by doing a few things like supplemental feeding and aeration you can grow an incredible amount of BIG fish in small water.
Main pond - depending upon the size, you have to be a little more careful about species added. List your goals, your dreams, and let's talk about it. When you want to take it up multiple notches I encourage you to fire a hello to Bruce...he's more Phishpsycho [dedicated/passionate/knowledgable/pioneering] than the both of us combined.
You bet man...I love hearing about your blank canvas - it's exciting stuff. Do you mind if I plant a seed?
Main pond:
If you want LMB and SMB remember that the LMB will outcompete the SMB and keep their numbers thinned and will dominate the pond - also keeping your panfish numbers in check. It's all about your goals.
I was faced with this decision [I wanted a strong SMB population and just a few BRUTE LMB to catch as a bonus fish] and this is what I'm doing:
300 SMB stocked this spring and creating spawning habitat [rock rings] to encourage reproduction. I love LMB, but can catch them ANYWHERE in NE, but you can't often find SMB - so I'm only adding 50 FEMALE LMB so while I have a shot of growing a state record LMB [11 lbs] I won't have them eating everything that swims and harming my SMB population.
I have no idea what Chain Pickerel will do to a small pond, definitely worth getting on Pond Boss and asking.
Sorry I keep talking pond...I'll take a break - just excited for you man - please keep me in the loop I can't wait to see the land you choose.
PS: It took me 3 years to find a lender for "raw" or unimproved land loans. Most are around 60% LTV - which is a chunk of cash to lay down. I found two that are 85% - so you only need 15% down [obviously]. I would hate to see you suffer through 3 years of disappointment, so when the time comes, let me know and I'll shoot you their contact info.
I will address these questions - and good ones they are - very soon. Bear in mind, however, that there are lots of fisheries biologists and aquaculturists on Pondboss.com - I encourage you to get MANY opinions and lay out your options before you decide what to do.
The coolest thing about little ponds is you can change them virtually whenever you want a new project - just draw down the water, seine them out, and start anew.
I will address your other questions ASAP but you should post this question on Pondboss for sure...it's a free forum!
Nice, you're on Pondboss - prepare to be edumacated! We should pick up the phone and chat sometime...also, consider coming to the Pondboss conference - you can meet some of the best minds in pond management in the world there - and all the advice is free. I will be there with Bruce - we can grab some dinner and let our pond conversations go well into the morning.
Think about calling sometime if you are in the mood to chat.
Conference is in Sept - 17-19 I think - check it out on the home page of the forum on Pondboss. It's in Branson MO. Beautiful country, pretty Southern people...which is okay for a few days ; - )
Definitely plan on coming...you will learn 20 years in three days - and I will make sure Bruce introduces you to all the big hitters. It's an invaluable experience if you really want to get serious about managing your waters, and I can tell you do!
I was only kidding about my Southern buddies...trying to get a rise out of them, of course I'll never hear the end of it I'm sure. Can't beat So hospitality!
Wow! Hi IceWarriorGill, this is Jeff from sunny Calif. I just saw your beautiful Pumpkinseed mount! Really nice! How big was that fish? I am a fish taxidermist that specializes in reproductions so I always have my eye out for other well done mounts. Looks like a beautiful Largemouth also. Who did the great work?
Hey Warrior...thanks for the nice comment on the slabs...you know, I am sure, how difficult tidal crappies can be, especially during the spawn when they are trying to bed in an area of consistant depth and they have to deal with the water depth changes of tides. But it is challenging trying to key on them in small cubbyholes and spillways below millpond dams. My 1/32 oz hairjigs would barely quiver enough to get them to slurp them in as they fell out of the current and into slackwater for the ambush...lost several more nice ones ...taotaled seven...see ya! Jim
We had fun on Good Friday at an irregation pond with bass , gills and crappies...nothin real big, but about 65 fish, so we were happy. Check the 'Good Friday Variety ' photos and I put in a snip of our tactics of the day. Still cold any windy down here with lots of rain. Hang in there...good fishin is comin!
Hey Warrior...as a matter of fact, I am entering the perch in the c&r division for the In Fish contest. I am so glad that a friendly local fisherman was willing to take photos of the fish that morning. I am thinking about a replica but have not been able to find any that large on the web. I also got a 2-2 and a 2-6 from Deep Creek through the ice that went 14 3/4 and 15 in each. They were real butterballs, however.
Hey Warrior...you doin the kayak thing? My son just got one and I have half a notion to join him. Looks lke you could sneek up on just about any thing with a kayak. Do you like the sin over the sot's? I' thinkin s-o-t for me, but I'm not sure. I got lots of places to launch one. Tell me more!
I am located 20 miles north of Burlington and live about 5 minutes from the lake I will be more than happy to share what little I know. At present time I fish mostly back flows from the lake we get a lot of wind here and broad lake can be nasty and the rain patterns have kept the rivers to dirty to amount to much. I do have some small water craft if yopu need it keep me posted
Hey Warrior...some guys are using Fireline Crystal in lower strengths with some success in horsing bulls from the brush. Don't know for myself, though, I'm kinda old school with mono, it just feels and fishes better for me. Looks like you got quite a spot with some big northern sunnies! See ya.
Sorrey about the delay my old pc up and died. There is great fishing in Champlain. If you are planning on using kayaks the area called sandbar is nice very shallow and some weeded areas. Sunday I was catching nice blues from shore avg over half pound.
If you get a chance to fish champlain try to plan a stay at Half Moon Pond. It is a great kayak lake of about 7 acres. It has a 5 mile an hour speed limit The best part is it is full of Bluegills. My wife and I spent the past weekend there. I must have caught over 250 fish.
I would not recomend worms unless you bring sevral dozen. I went through a dozen in about 1 hour. The gulp maggots worked fine. The second day I used my fly rod all day I caught them with poppers flies I had tied a white piece of plastic.cut small Many of the gills were
running 8 inches and a little over
The other nice thing is half moon pond is a wonderful campground very quiet clean bathrooms and showers. Many campsites are on the water It is less than 15 minutes from Castelton
where what ever one might need can be bought
Thanks for the shout out on "the 12 incher"! I've caught lots of 11 and 11.5s before I finally caught her. Wish I would have had a digital camera back then. All my monster have come from the same lake, which I believe has been found and decimated.
Hey Warrior...thanks for the comments on the stripers. In 2007 I got six fish over 30 inches from Piney Run and my son got two. Lots of 22 to 26 inch fish in there now with a few biggies roaming around. Lake record is 29 lb 6 oz.
You know, those sunfish you are catching seem very unique. I've never seen fish like those in Michigan. Not only have you caught some BIG ones, but their coloration is absolutely phenomenal. It makes me want to run to NY just to catch one. So as I say, it makes your sunfish photos really cool cause guys like me can only see what different parts of this great country offer. And, meet some really cool people with similar interests.
LONG time...had a crazy last year plus in business swimming to keep everything floating. Sorry I've been away nearly three months...how is the fishing coming for you?
I have tons to relate, but most of it is pond related and sadly not fishing related!
Any chance I can convince you to come to the Forum next month? You would have a blast and meet some awesome dudes who could help you with your pond projects.
Anyhow, I sure can't wait until you DO get that piece of land...it's impossible to describe when you finally walk your land and know it's yours...amazing.
I will try to check out your pix ASAP - summer has me so busy trying to get my fish growing and working I will most likely not catch up with anything until Winter. Any chance you'll be looking for your place by then?
I sure am anxious to help you out...you let me know if you ever need any advice or guidance and I'm here for ya my bro.
when your on turn up your chat volume. this is what you do, go to the top of the page, click chat on the right (its on the menue bar) then when you get there put up the volume which is next to the smilie face, and the computer volume because the beep is very soft. this is because if someone trys to talk to you the chat volume is on mute. if you want to talk to someon just copy and paste this message.
Hey IWG-Glad you like the Brookie ..did you see the hook jawed Rainbow.At any rate are you doing any Trout fishing up by you?If so what rivers and lakes? I'll be going to Waywayanda tomorrow with Brother Greg .We'll be hunting Trout,Bass,Crappie Perch Pickerel and Gills if they are willing.
Mr. Ice, You have 2 kinds of fish in your neck of the woods The chain pikeral and one of those yellow perch. Keep postin them cause one of these days..........
Bill "Musky" Modica
Jan 25, 2009
Kiana Fitzpatrick
Jan 25, 2009
Mike Penrose
Welcome to the site and enjoy.
Feb 4, 2009
Jim Gronaw
Feb 4, 2009
Tom Hudson
Feb 5, 2009
Tom Hudson
did you get my reply to your desires for becoming a private water manager/pond meister? not to overwhelm you but you are in the right place...let me know when you are thinking about pulling the trigger - I am willing to lend as much advice as I can - I know with the right help from guys like Bruce Condello I saved tens of thousands of dollars. i'm pumped for you - managing your own water is such a trip - I really encourage you to go for it.
Feb 9, 2009
Tom Hudson
I understand your passion for creating your slice of heaven on earth - and trust me, its worth every dime and second you put into it. You know that feeling you get when you obsess about a project and the inevitable disappointment when you're done it doesn't quite live up to your expectations? Well, not the case with the pond construction!
I would encourage you to create as many small ponds as you can [.1 - 1 Acre] so you can get lots of different projects going simultaneously. I can't wait to hear about your plans, and hopefully see the land you end up buying.
There are lots of good aquaculturists, engineers and dirt guys by you that Bruce knows VERY well. I encourage you to reach out to him or us when the time comes.
Feb 9, 2009
Tom Hudson
Your goals and my goals are super similar, along with a great resource named Bruce Condello - who taught me what I know. You should take a second sometime and think about your goals. With ponds as small as .1 acres you can create multiple fisheries with many species. The thing to always keep in mind, the king of all details, is WATER QUALITY. If you have plenty of good, oxygenated water the options are vast.
Want a muskie pond? Rainbow/Brookie/Brown Trout pond? Monster Gill pond? Reproduction pond? You can achieve all this - and by doing a few things like supplemental feeding and aeration you can grow an incredible amount of BIG fish in small water.
Main pond - depending upon the size, you have to be a little more careful about species added. List your goals, your dreams, and let's talk about it. When you want to take it up multiple notches I encourage you to fire a hello to Bruce...he's more Phishpsycho [dedicated/passionate/knowledgable/pioneering] than the both of us combined.
Feb 11, 2009
Tom Hudson
Main pond:
If you want LMB and SMB remember that the LMB will outcompete the SMB and keep their numbers thinned and will dominate the pond - also keeping your panfish numbers in check. It's all about your goals.
I was faced with this decision [I wanted a strong SMB population and just a few BRUTE LMB to catch as a bonus fish] and this is what I'm doing:
300 SMB stocked this spring and creating spawning habitat [rock rings] to encourage reproduction. I love LMB, but can catch them ANYWHERE in NE, but you can't often find SMB - so I'm only adding 50 FEMALE LMB so while I have a shot of growing a state record LMB [11 lbs] I won't have them eating everything that swims and harming my SMB population.
I have no idea what Chain Pickerel will do to a small pond, definitely worth getting on Pond Boss and asking.
Sorry I keep talking pond...I'll take a break - just excited for you man - please keep me in the loop I can't wait to see the land you choose.
PS: It took me 3 years to find a lender for "raw" or unimproved land loans. Most are around 60% LTV - which is a chunk of cash to lay down. I found two that are 85% - so you only need 15% down [obviously]. I would hate to see you suffer through 3 years of disappointment, so when the time comes, let me know and I'll shoot you their contact info.
Feb 12, 2009
Tom Hudson
I will address these questions - and good ones they are - very soon. Bear in mind, however, that there are lots of fisheries biologists and aquaculturists on Pondboss.com - I encourage you to get MANY opinions and lay out your options before you decide what to do.
The coolest thing about little ponds is you can change them virtually whenever you want a new project - just draw down the water, seine them out, and start anew.
I will address your other questions ASAP but you should post this question on Pondboss for sure...it's a free forum!
Feb 14, 2009
Tom Hudson
Nice, you're on Pondboss - prepare to be edumacated! We should pick up the phone and chat sometime...also, consider coming to the Pondboss conference - you can meet some of the best minds in pond management in the world there - and all the advice is free. I will be there with Bruce - we can grab some dinner and let our pond conversations go well into the morning.
Think about calling sometime if you are in the mood to chat.
Feb 16, 2009
Michael Thompson
good fishing!
Feb 17, 2009
Tom Hudson
Conference is in Sept - 17-19 I think - check it out on the home page of the forum on Pondboss. It's in Branson MO. Beautiful country, pretty Southern people...which is okay for a few days ; - )
Definitely plan on coming...you will learn 20 years in three days - and I will make sure Bruce introduces you to all the big hitters. It's an invaluable experience if you really want to get serious about managing your waters, and I can tell you do!
Feb 17, 2009
Tom Hudson
Feb 17, 2009
Jeff Soto
Feb 22, 2009
Jim Gronaw
Apr 9, 2009
Jim Gronaw
Apr 12, 2009
Howard Webster
you being in the northeast also I was wondering if you have white pearch and what you think about them
May 5, 2009
Jim Gronaw
May 17, 2009
Bruce Condello
May 17, 2009
Jim Gronaw
May 23, 2009
Howard Webster
I am located 20 miles north of Burlington and live about 5 minutes from the lake I will be more than happy to share what little I know. At present time I fish mostly back flows from the lake we get a lot of wind here and broad lake can be nasty and the rain patterns have kept the rivers to dirty to amount to much. I do have some small water craft if yopu need it keep me posted
Jun 4, 2009
Jim Gronaw
Jun 5, 2009
Howard Webster
Sorrey about the delay my old pc up and died. There is great fishing in Champlain. If you are planning on using kayaks the area called sandbar is nice very shallow and some weeded areas. Sunday I was catching nice blues from shore avg over half pound.
Jun 9, 2009
Howard Webster
If you get a chance to fish champlain try to plan a stay at Half Moon Pond. It is a great kayak lake of about 7 acres. It has a 5 mile an hour speed limit The best part is it is full of Bluegills. My wife and I spent the past weekend there. I must have caught over 250 fish.
I would not recomend worms unless you bring sevral dozen. I went through a dozen in about 1 hour. The gulp maggots worked fine. The second day I used my fly rod all day I caught them with poppers flies I had tied a white piece of plastic.cut small Many of the gills were
running 8 inches and a little over
The other nice thing is half moon pond is a wonderful campground very quiet clean bathrooms and showers. Many campsites are on the water It is less than 15 minutes from Castelton
where what ever one might need can be bought
Jun 25, 2009
Howard Webster
Jun 28, 2009
Howard Webster
Jun 28, 2009
Ryan Oddo
Jun 30, 2009
Jim Gronaw
Jun 30, 2009
John Sheehan
Jul 6, 2009
Patrick "Bullworm" Olson
Jul 14, 2009
Jim Gronaw
Jul 19, 2009
Lance A. Cashler
Aug 6, 2009
Lance A. Cashler
Aug 7, 2009
Tom Hudson
LONG time...had a crazy last year plus in business swimming to keep everything floating. Sorry I've been away nearly three months...how is the fishing coming for you?
I have tons to relate, but most of it is pond related and sadly not fishing related!
Aug 14, 2009
Tom Hudson
Any chance I can convince you to come to the Forum next month? You would have a blast and meet some awesome dudes who could help you with your pond projects.
Anyhow, I sure can't wait until you DO get that piece of land...it's impossible to describe when you finally walk your land and know it's yours...amazing.
I will try to check out your pix ASAP - summer has me so busy trying to get my fish growing and working I will most likely not catch up with anything until Winter. Any chance you'll be looking for your place by then?
I sure am anxious to help you out...you let me know if you ever need any advice or guidance and I'm here for ya my bro.
Aug 14, 2009
Lance A. Cashler
Sep 15, 2009
seneca b
Sep 19, 2009
Dale Fortin
Oct 12, 2009
Dale Fortin
Oct 18, 2009
John Sheehan
Oct 21, 2009
Greg McWilliams
Nov 23, 2009