JIM, A major fishing magazine is probably going to be doing a "blurb" on Big Bluegill here in the next few months, so it would be incredibly awesome if your pictures were up soon!!! I'll be like a little kid waiting for Christmas Day.
Hello Jim... I have been keeping track of your successes at Perris and find it both facinating an envious! You truely have the knack for trophy bluegills!
Jim, Bruce Condello and I are currently doing a piece for the In Fisherman about the realistic chances of catching a true 'two-pound' bluegill this day and age. I have observed that you have a 2-12 and a 2-8 to your credit...giant, monster fish, and congrats! In the article, I will be highlighting places, nationwide, that offer a realistic chance at such a fish. I will be mentioning several Virginia lakes, Savannah River oxbows, some prime Nebraska waters and some southern Cal lakes, to include Lower Otay and Perris.
Jim, without giving away any of your secrets, would you be willing to comment on the current state of the bluegill fisheries at Perris? Any useful info that you would care to share would be helpful in our text, as we have noticed your deep water/feather jig tactics for giants. I sense that you specialize in both tactics and tackle.
We will be asking other bigbluegill members for their imput on their favorite lakes as well. We just feel that you have a pretty good handle on southern Cal giants. If you do not want to divulge such info, then we would understand.
2 12 gill. Awesome!
Nov 6, 2008
Bruce Condello
Thanks for joining. We'd love to see some pictures of your big fish, or least a description of how you caught it! :-)
Have fun on the site.
Nov 6, 2008
Bruce Condello
Nov 6, 2008
Michael J. Searl
Nov 6, 2008
Chris Schock
Dec 10, 2008
Dale Fortin
Oct 12, 2009
Dale Fortin
Oct 12, 2009
Jim Gronaw
Jim, Bruce Condello and I are currently doing a piece for the In Fisherman about the realistic chances of catching a true 'two-pound' bluegill this day and age. I have observed that you have a 2-12 and a 2-8 to your credit...giant, monster fish, and congrats! In the article, I will be highlighting places, nationwide, that offer a realistic chance at such a fish. I will be mentioning several Virginia lakes, Savannah River oxbows, some prime Nebraska waters and some southern Cal lakes, to include Lower Otay and Perris.
Jim, without giving away any of your secrets, would you be willing to comment on the current state of the bluegill fisheries at Perris? Any useful info that you would care to share would be helpful in our text, as we have noticed your deep water/feather jig tactics for giants. I sense that you specialize in both tactics and tackle.
We will be asking other bigbluegill members for their imput on their favorite lakes as well. We just feel that you have a pretty good handle on southern Cal giants. If you do not want to divulge such info, then we would understand.
Thanks for taking the time to consider this. Jim
Oct 12, 2009