ALEX! Guess what! Your flies worked. Bad thing is I kinda didnt use like you intened. BUT HEY THEY WORK!
I got out in the yard today tied on a couple different lenghts of 4lb ts and slung the flies around just to get used to throwin something so different than im used to. Only took about 15 secs. 10 and two works no matter what your slingin. Needless to say I had a couple fish I wanted to put back in the creek that i caought about a year ago and have had in my aquairium. What an excuse to go back to the creek. Well Its the only one I could come up with at the moment but it worked. I got stopped at the driveway.... "Dont you be gone for no hour or two!" "I see you got that fly rod in the back of your truck." " You got things around here that needs to get done before dark she says" I got down to the launch and there were a few people around my hole so I decided instead of possibly hookin somebody off of a bad gust I better just tie this on a bream buster and dance it around. I never would have thought that it would have worked but I mean its the same basic principle. BAIT IN WATER FISH BITE IF PRESONTATION IS RITE! 3 different flies and 3 fish later. I decided I better get back home.
Take em ice fishin, I just put on a split shot bout 8" up and fished em like a jig. They all produced when you twitch em rite!
Thanks for the flies Mr. G.
Now Im no fly fisherman by anymeans but I finally got a chance to use your flies today. I wanted to wait till I heard that poppin noise on top of the water just for my confidence sake. Heres a picture of the fish I caught today thanks to you. I had that bee in the livewell when I got back so obviously I was using the rite ones! Thanks again Alex. I have enjoyed your flies!
Bruce Condello
Mar 21, 2008
Alex G.
Mar 21, 2008
Jeremy R. Mayo
I got out in the yard today tied on a couple different lenghts of 4lb ts and slung the flies around just to get used to throwin something so different than im used to. Only took about 15 secs. 10 and two works no matter what your slingin. Needless to say I had a couple fish I wanted to put back in the creek that i caought about a year ago and have had in my aquairium. What an excuse to go back to the creek. Well Its the only one I could come up with at the moment but it worked. I got stopped at the driveway.... "Dont you be gone for no hour or two!" "I see you got that fly rod in the back of your truck." " You got things around here that needs to get done before dark she says" I got down to the launch and there were a few people around my hole so I decided instead of possibly hookin somebody off of a bad gust I better just tie this on a bream buster and dance it around. I never would have thought that it would have worked but I mean its the same basic principle. BAIT IN WATER FISH BITE IF PRESONTATION IS RITE! 3 different flies and 3 fish later. I decided I better get back home.
Take em ice fishin, I just put on a split shot bout 8" up and fished em like a jig. They all produced when you twitch em rite!
Thanks for the flies Mr. G.
Jan 25, 2009
Jeremy R. Mayo
Apr 20, 2009