Hey Mod! I wathched your video on fillet technique...very impressive! Do you have to sharpen your knife very often? It looks like you get pretty aggressive on the board. I use the exact same knife and it seems like it goes dull quickly. Don't know if it's my sharpening skills (or lack therof) or maybe retire my old knife for a new one. Any help would be appriciated. p.s. nice choice in music! The Eggman
You should plan on coming up to green lake this winter. Last year the fishing was beyond great, i never seen so many fish over 9 inches. As far as i can tell you live near lake geneva, but i can let you know when the gills are biting this winter. If they are as active as last year you could plan a full weekend to come up, they were active for almost 3 weeks straight...but i got my limit every day time i went for 2 months.
Hi, I don't fish Delavan but I know some large bluegills from Delavan until now diffcult to catch them.....fishing pressure! Should let 9 to 11 inch back to water for future big bluegills. That's happened to Wisconsin Nelson Lake near Hayward....2 bluegills over 2 lbs and now rare over 1 lb! Wis. DNR work on Nelson and hope big 'gills back!
I fished forest preserve lakes and its heavy fishing pressure but I fished deeper than average anglers! I sometime use 12 ft match rod and 4 lbs line....use thin slip float to let my whole leaf worm down as deep as 12 feet off the shore from the bank. Several over 8" to 9.5" 'gills! Of course, I let it back to water!
Do you think my hybrid is really warmouth? It have red gill on both side like redear. I caught warmouth before....dark. Maybe that's why Sterling Lake in northern Illinois is very clear water make fish skin much lighter. I used 1.5 oz spinnerbait to fish for musky on my kayak!
Musky Mod, thanks for the welcome message. See you on the ice this season. Was out yesterday in "your neck of the woods". Did well...they're still swimming.
Well Ventured out down to geneva today... WHAT A BLAST!! Caught a few gills but they were HUGE! around 10in a little less or so.. the biggest weighed in a 12 3/4 pounds!! Man I wish I lived closer!
pigs aint they?? lemme know how you do. Also saw a 16in 2.2lbs crappie iced last weekend when we were down there! Friggen huge! Too bad the bite was off. Got skunked but worth the effort. L geneva is an awesome town and the people are really nice.
watchin that fillet video and talkin about whole fried gills the other day inspired me on my last fish to do a demo on how to cut and gut. Needless to say Tryin to slow down enough for a demo takes almost as much skill as goin as fast as a pro. I cut the crap outta my finger doin my slot cuts for fryin in the demo. 1 fish fully cleaned from the fumblin around still was under 20 secs even with the slots. I didnt realize just how fast I had gotton until today. I can almost double that. Next catch I will do a couple samples and folks can just figure it out from some repititive review!
Ice fish vids are great. Oh Yea we fished in 70+ degree weather today! hahaa
Farm Hunter
Oct 15, 2008
Bruce Condello
Enjoy the photos and discussion of Big Bluegill!
I saw you added some videos. I'll definitely take some time to view them.
Oct 16, 2008
Welcome to Big Bluegill.
Oct 16, 2008
Oct 17, 2008
Bruce Condello
Oct 17, 2008
Eric White
Oct 23, 2008
Eric White
Oct 31, 2008
John Cachel
I fished forest preserve lakes and its heavy fishing pressure but I fished deeper than average anglers! I sometime use 12 ft match rod and 4 lbs line....use thin slip float to let my whole leaf worm down as deep as 12 feet off the shore from the bank. Several over 8" to 9.5" 'gills! Of course, I let it back to water!
Nov 16, 2008
John Cachel
Do you think my hybrid is really warmouth? It have red gill on both side like redear. I caught warmouth before....dark. Maybe that's why Sterling Lake in northern Illinois is very clear water make fish skin much lighter. I used 1.5 oz spinnerbait to fish for musky on my kayak!
Nov 21, 2008
Justin Gloede
Nov 29, 2008
Kyle Sorensen
Dec 3, 2008
Dec 8, 2008
Eric the Roofer
Dec 14, 2008
Eric White
Dec 16, 2008
Jan 1, 2009
Justin Gloede
Jan 4, 2009
Justin Gloede
Jan 4, 2009
Justin Gloede
Jan 16, 2009
Justin Gloede
Jan 16, 2009
Jeremy R. Mayo
Ice fish vids are great. Oh Yea we fished in 70+ degree weather today! hahaa
Jan 24, 2009
Jan 25, 2009
John Sheehan
Jan 26, 2009