Kiana Fitzpatrick


Byron Center, MI

United States

Profile Information:

What date is Independence Day?
July 4
What type of animal is a bluegill?
What state are you from? This can help us get together for fishing trips!

Comment Wall:

  • Allen

    hey, nice page
  • Bruce Condello

    Very good to have you here, Kiana.

    We hope you'll check in a lot!

  • Fish Tamer

    Thanks, You should put up some pictures of your catches too.
  • BlueGill Godzilla ><((º>

    Sorry to say that I have no pictures of the large Bluegill. I was fishing at Ketona Lakes by Birmingham Alabama in 1958 with my uncle and some of his fishing buddies. The good old boys from Alabama fished for fun and table food. I baited with a red worm on some very light test line and threw the line into the very clear water. I was using a cane pole and a quill for a bobber. This was the type of fishing that was done in this part of the country. The group that I was with caught many good size Bluegills that day but mine was the biggest. No one had a camera with them, so on the way from the lake we stopped at a local gas station to buy some gas. They sold groceries and had a meat scale and my Uncle Bob ask the attendant if they could weigh my fish. I assume that the scale was close to being accurate, the Gill weighed at 2 pounds and 9 ounces. Uncle Bob brought all of the fish home that day and cleaned them so that my Aunt Mae could cook them for our supper. I will never forget that summer in Birmingham Alabama that I spent with my Uncle Bob and Aunt Mae. I still have the memories of that great summer as a young boy learning how to fish and spending quality time with loved ones.
  • Douglas Buck

    Thanks for the warm welcome. We share the same home state and fishin interests and yes I agree bluegill are good eatin...............
  • Johny "The Gill Getta"

    Thanks for the welcome! I'm hoping to catch a "hubcap" of a sunny this winter through the ice.
  • Tony G

    Thanks. Do you actually get safe ice in Tenessee? Ice should be great here in Pennsylvania. High of 16 today, low of -1 tonight and highs staying below 10 for the next 3 days (just have to dig through a foot and a half of snow to find the ice). I doubt I will get any ice fishing in this year, too busy. Oh well, hopefully it stays real cold when we host Baltimore in Pittsburgh Sunday!
  • Tom S.

    thank you for the warm welcome
  • Alan Rominske

    Thanks, I saw the site mentioned in the In-Fisherman magazine. Sounds interesting.
  • Bruce J Miller

    Thank you, Kiana!
  • Matt&Wyatt

    nice to see other people like to fish for big bluegill. i want to go to canada any info?
  • Matt&Wyatt

    Kiana have you ever fished in Vermont ? My taxidermist told me it was awesome in June
  • Ed Whitaker

    Thanks Kiana... Seems like everyone on this site is quite nice... Again, Thanks.... Ed
  • Bob Heschke

    Thank's looking forward to it.
  • John E. Mahn Jr.

    Thanks for the welcome Kiana

  • Evan Peterson

    Thanks for the welcome!
  • Fred W Kline

    You bet, soon as i get back to port Charlotte to get my photo albums I'll post it! The Fredster
  • Jim Gronaw

    Hey Kiana...thanks for the welcome, this is a cool site! I am going to post some pix this week and look forward to talking to all of you.
  • Ben Winter

    Glad to be here! Really like this site!
  • Toby Hottle

    Thanks Kiana, I saw the site in the In-Fisherman magazine and thought I would check it out ,glad to be here thanks, Toby
  • Harold McGhee

    Thank you for invite. saw small note in latest "infisherman" mag. and
    decided to check it out..
    I am totally fresh water fisherman (retired, everyday is Saturday for me) married, wife retired but works 3 days week to train new personal
    in office she retired from. Carole also loves to fish for bluegill

    we only fish for 3 types of fish: Bluegill, Redear (shellcrackers) &
    i am obsecessed with fishing for Crappie (spec's) fish for these
    critters Day & Night (mostly at night) Bluegill & Shellcracker mostly
    on full moon & dark moon (three days before & after )

    Again thanks for invite.... as i learn more how to navigate thru your
    web site faster, i know i will enjoy it more.
  • Dave

    Thanks everyone I am still figuring eerything out here!!! And here I thought I was the only one who LOVES catching gill's!
    What a pound for pound powerful fish!!!!
    Try to get some pictures up soon!!!!!
  • Don Lhotka

    thank you
  • Brian Snodgrass

    Thanks for the welcome. Happy fishing!!
  • BlueGill Godzilla ><((º>

    Sorry to say that I have no pictures of the large Bluegill. I was fishing at Ketona Lakes by Birmingham Alabama in 1958 with my uncle and some of his fishing buddies. The good old boys from Alabama fished for fun and table food. I baited with a red worm on some very light test line and threw the line into the very clear water. I was using a cane pole and a quill for a bobber. This was the type of fishing that was done in this part of the country. The group that I was with caught many good size Bluegills that day but mine was the biggest. No one had a camera with them, so on the way from the lake we stopped at a local gas station to buy some gas. They sold groceries and had a meat scale and my Uncle Bob ask the attendant if they could weigh my fish. I assume that the scale was close to being accurate, the Gill weighed at 2 pounds and 9 ounces. Uncle Bob brought all of the fish home that day and cleaned them so that my Aunt Mae could cook them for our supper. I will never forget that summer in Birmingham Alabama that I spent with my Uncle Bob and Aunt Mae. I still have the memories of that great summer as a young boy learning how to fish and spending quality time with loved ones.
  • Steve

    Thanks Kiana, I'll get a better picture on here soon.
  • John Sheehan

    Thanks Kiana.How's your Cabin Fever doing.Any Fishin' where you are?
  • Zig

    Hey Kiana - I've been a bit lax, abut didn't want to miss welcoming you to BigBluegill.

    So, Welcome!

    Looking forward to reading about your experiences, especially those upcoming daddy/daughter trips.
