Midwest Drifters

If you like to drift fish and have some tips and tricks to share, this is the place. Once we get into warmer weather and the Gills move to deeper water is when the fishing really gets good if you are a drifter.

Some ideas on Drift fishing

 Sometimes ya gotta use a drift sock to slow the boat down .Works a charm under certain conditions . Back trolling with an electric motor also is a good technique that helps catch fish if the drift is too fast. If drifting in real high winds is too ridiculously fast and you're missing fish but getting hit ,I suggest dropping anchor and fish a wall or barrier  where the wind is bashing waves up to . You can slip rope and let the boat move further downwind before tieing off the anchor again and fish a fresh spot you couldn't reach casting to before . That's a good shallow water technique.Hope this helps friends here!