North American spoon chuckers

An outside the box approach to big bluegill fishing.

Using a small spoon for Blue Gills

I had a chance to get out to ice fish yesterday and I was catching small Blue Gills until I switched to a Prism Chartreuse Swedish Pimple.   While the largest was only 9 inches and others on the spoon were all over 8 inches it was a vast improvement from the 7 1/2 inch and under earlier.   I missed a chance to see a program that Bill Modica did last year but I have read all that I can on his methods.  I am now a convert and look forward to getting out for the big ones.  I hope to get on Delavan this year and catch a few.


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    carl hendrix

    Phil;; check Bill;s spoon fishing on you tube;;  he has several there... I made a few spoons; out of willow leaf blades last year;; worked terrific;; very small and light weight

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      Jeff Soto

      You still cannot beat a Dardevle "Skeeter" spoon.  It's the smallest one that Eppinger makes.  Comes in two gauges, but the same tiny size with a double hook.  Comes in many colors, too many to decide on!  I love this spoon.  Fish SLAM it when used on very light line and on a slow steady retrieve.  Don't use a swivel, just a loose loop knot.

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        Phil Fors

        Thanks for the replies,  Looks like I am going to have to visit Bass Pro,Gander Mountain and Cabelas to find some more small spoons. I have watched some of Bill's videos and that is where I got started.  It just took me a while to try the method out.  I am going to work on it this year tho.
