Float Makers Bench

From cork to quills this group is here to exchange ideas for the best results on our homemade floats.

Do any of you guys sell the floats you make?

This time of year I don't fish with floats much, but last year people liked buying them as gifts. I was wondering if any of you sold your floats?

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    Keith Ritter

    I like to try to simplify my fishing if I can. Using found objects for lures and floats and Yard Sale or flea market semi vintage tackle is where I'm at now. I guess I'm just cheap at heart, the people who follow the fads are always up-grading and discarding very usable stuff. 

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      carl hendrix

      I just give mine away;; gave several to friends here on bbg ;; several more to guys fishing in my area ( couple went to game warden buddies of mine )  mostly I make quill floats;; when I can get good descent ones.   for the real float maker;; I consider Keith Ritter at the top of the list !  his craftsmanship is unique;; has great talant

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        Keith Ritter

        Thanks Joe and Carl. Flattery will get you everywhere. 
