Float Makers Bench

From cork to quills this group is here to exchange ideas for the best results on our homemade floats.

Easy Goose Quill Floats

I picked up some large goose feathers at a local lake that has a resident population of Canada Geese. I have been wanting some to make a quill type floats. I found these to be extremely easy and quick to make.

  • Just cut the feather to the desired length then remove the vanes and barbs by cutting them as close as possible to the quill.
  • Then take sand paper and sand the quill smooth. Don't just strip the vanes off as you will ruin the integrity of the quill.
  • I then make an eye by bending a wire around a nail to create a loop. Insert the legs of the eye into the cut end of the quill and glue into place with super glue.
  • Take thread and whip it around the lower end of the quill just above the eye for about 3/4 in. to reinforce the eye end of the float.
  • Coat the thread with super glue and let dry and you are ready to fish once you add your keeper. A small rubber band, o ring or tubing will do. 
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    carl hendrix

    Keith;; yo udid a great job making these buddy !!   easy-- simple-- and very effective !!

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      Greg Rogers

      I'm inspired.  I'll have to a grab few of my neighbors pet turkey's feathers..........

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        Keith Ritter

        Thanks Greg, any large feather will work and if it won't float on its own add a body of cork and you have a nice float.