Vintage Equipment Group

I know this sounds strange, but vintage equipment like fiberglass rods still have a place! We can talk shop and discuss why some vintage gear is just as good (if not better) than the new stuff.

Snippet From an Online Article

This is not my writing, but it pretty much sums it up:

It’s hard to define the “rightness” of a fly rod, though once — over a couple beers — a few local fly fishermen delved into the subject at what amounted to the genetic level.

Naturally, we didn’t stumble on any real answers (none that we remember anyway), outside of the fact that technology is not necessarily the one true path to fly rod enlightenment.

That’s why — when fly fishers ask me if one rod is “better” than another — I suggest they simply fish whatever fly rod feels best, and the hell with what the magazines want you to think.

In this rare instance, I’ve taken my own advice; I fish fiberglass and bamboo fly rods almost exclusively, and not because I want to fire up fly fishing’s natural/synthetic class wars.

The simple truth is this: fiberglass and bamboo fly rods feel — to me anyway — exactly how a fly rod is supposed to feel.

Steffen Brothers makes great fishing rods
The unsanded, retro-look Steffen rods don’t appeal to everyone, but I like ‘em.

They bend smoothly, and do so without the stiffness that sometimes leads me to drive my graphite fly rods.

During the casting stroke, I’ve got a pretty good idea exactly what’s going on at the far end of my fiberglass fly rods, and glass inspires serious confidence when I’ve got a good fish going on a small fly or light tippet.

In simplest terms, they’re unpretentious, durable, affordable, un-demanding, — and just plain fun. All of those fit pretty neatly within the job description of your average fly rod, and as somebody once observed, “love is simply a compendium of needs.”
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    you hit a subject close to my heart i do love the old rods and reels,like my guns i buy them to shoot,and i buy those old rods to fish.
    i don't fish bamboo much although i have a few rods,but glass i must agree is my favorite , i fish hollow and solid glass rods.
    i know i can get more line speed from glass than composite,or at least the composite rods i own and have tried.
    glass is more forgiving and tuffer,also much easier to repair than composite,but composite rods have more feel than glass. having said that i am a line watcher when i am fishing nymphs,so feel is not an issue for me.

    gators bite
    something else i like about glass rods ,they can be had cheep, i find a lot of rods on ebay,and hock shops,garage sales exc. also old reels. but i must admit i like the new large arbor reels they are making these days. great post Fly Rod
    gators are mean
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    This pretty much sums it up for me and agree with all said here. Over the years I have used everything from solid glass , hollow glass, high end graphite. I settled on hollow glass because of the ready availability of them, Shakespeare WOnderods, Garcia Conlons, Heddons etc. I like the Wonderods the best and secondly the Heddons.

      BOTH of these great companys made HHHHHHHHHuge contributions to the fishing industrys and as a young man my first rod ever purchased was a Shakespeare Wonderod fly rod. Took me weeks to save up for it as a paper route kid! Many weeks I might ad.
       That was in 1964 and now a few years later have come full circle back to the beginning and never regretted it a minute. Now I have many old Wonderods in my collection and have introduced many young people to them, guys under 55 years of age anyway. They have no regrets on using the vintage stuff either.
       I also use old Ultra lights by Shakespeare and Heddon for spinning duties. MMMMMuch harder to find than the old fly rods however. There is something to be said for longevity in the fishing industry and just something I can't put my finger on .

      It's like seeing an old friend you haven't seen in a long time, a favorite sweater, an old pair of gloves you reach for when you have a heavy task at hand.
       I don't quite know what it is except that when you find that rod you will know it.

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      Leo Nguyen

      I have no other comment than, "Damn straight!"
