Fly Tying Kit Selection

i am new to fly fishing just about 3 weeks into it. ive been buying packaged foam spider that after less than a day of fishing these things need repair. eventually i would like to tie my own. now ive seen kits as low as 18 dollars on ebay but are they sufficient? what should i be looking for?

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    Slip Sinker

    so what do you guys think of a kit like this ? ... selling on ebay for $48.00

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    Bob Davis

    Here in Southern Wisconsin the foam spider is the ultimate bait for drifting the large blue gills.  I suppose the choice of colors may very well have a lot to do with what the region's BG are eating but up this way, the 2MM craft foam in green is really the hot ticket with white or yellow legs.  Once you get into this project and get good at it, you should be able to tie a bug in under 5 minutes and as mentioned by others, they should last several outings if done correctly.  But one thing I've found is they will not last forever.  We've found 1 helpful tip for making them last just a little longer is to use a minimum of 8# test mono leader so when you have a fish you plan to keep, just pull on the leader if swallowed  and it will rip right out.  The BGs do love to swallow these little critters and trying to fish them out with a needle nose or hemostat will shorten the life of them as you dig around inside their mouths.  If you want to release the fish, you really have no choice but the life is shortened greatly on both the spider and the fish it you dig around too long way down deep.  My personal preference is a #8 bronze Aberdeen hook which will straighten out some when pulling on the 8lb.test leader but it can be reshaped with your needle nose or hemostat.  Also a small dab of super glue on the underside will also help make them stay together a bit longer.  Just give them a good several hours to cure.  I leave them hang on a small pc. of Styrofoam for a day before adding them to my tackle box.  Don't get crazy with a lot of different colors of foam.  Take the color choices offered here and stick with them.  You can rack up a lot of extra cost by getting everything there is available.  Trust me on this account!  I've paid the price!  Anyway, Good luck and post some pics when you have time.  Sincerely,  Bob

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      well Ken the advice you are getting here is all good,just take your time and do a little research,my advice would be to go to YOUTUBE,and enter  fly tying ,there is a wealth of show and tell on the tube.