Pennsylvania Fishermen

A Place for Pennsylvania Fishermen to talk

Presque Isle

I have never actually fished Presque Isle. My Dad grew up on ite waters as a boy in the Drepression. We met family there for picnics thru the 60-70's till its beaches and waters grew foul. Over the last decade, a miraclious turn around occured. Am now hearing the bay itself is silting in, filling with sand. Only access to first few commercial docks being kept clear. Saw the Edmund Fitzgerald docked there, just before she sank. Those docks right behind Grandma(Busha) house then. Over the yrs, the bay has been a tremendous fishery for pike(once blue) perch, small and large mouth bass,' gills, etc.. What will be its fate ? steve b
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    steve b

    Wow ! No Penn fisherfolks on this site fish there ? Just about every kinda panfish inhabit its waters. I need to make a trp myself. steve b