bluegill fly tying

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  • Greg McWilliams

    Zack, love the new fly. A little trick when you tie it is add several wraps of lead or lead free wire at the back of the fly. Then as you strip the fly forward the hackle lays back over the body. On the pause the weight at the back of the fly lets it fall butt first and then the hackle stands back up and flutters as it falls.
  • Derrick

    I've been wanting to find a wax worm pattern that is tied with something other than rubber. What kind of material could I use for this?
  • Greg McWilliams

    Hey Derick, what does a wax worm look like? Let see a picture. We will figure it out, I would imagine Mr. Shooter knows one.
  • Derrick

  • Derrick

    just making sure I did this right oh yeah it looks like that
  • Derrick

    I was thinking, yarn of some sort, but I didn't know how sturdy, or how well the yarn would handle getting stuck in the mouths' of those little beasts.
  • Greg McWilliams

    Derrick, I think yarn would work good, use a wire rib that will make it tougher. But yarn is pretty durable. An off white dubbing would work then use the wire ribbing for segmentation. Can't wait to see what you come up with!!
  • Greg McWilliams I know I have sent this to several on this web site, but thought it might be a good one to let everyone know about. These are tv show on flytying, great for beginning tyers, and just to refesh some techniques we all use. They tie 3 flies and discuss them and materials as they tie. Hope this will help someone and their tying skills.
  • Lee Nagel

    Great link Greg. I seem to have missed that one.

  • Larry D Van Meter

    Greg, thanks for letting everyone know about that tv show on fly tying, as a beginner that is one of the best things to come along to help people with 2 left hands, thanks a million for the info
  • Zack Thomasson

    i got estaz and flashabou
  • Greg McWilliams

    Steve great job on the boobie awaiting the fishing report.
    I love the pencil poppers. Great Job!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, where is Goofy?
  • Greg McWilliams

    Steve, When it is a good popper , it deserves 2 postings. If you use the smaller foam and do it in black, when the dragon flies are buzzing the water it is a great go to fly!!
  • Zack Thomasson

    i've tied up a few new flies im hoping to put up some pictures too
  • Greg McWilliams

    Steve, I think those are great looking. What kind of foam
    Did you use for the heads? You you popping anythin up with them yet, or is you water little chilly yet??
  • klrbaer

    great flies Steve, you did a great job.
  • Greg McWilliams

    Steve the caterpillar is great looking. I am AWESTRUCK by GOOFY!!!!!!!!!!!! Great JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • mike rowden

    Wow! I'm so busy this spring. I haven't been on line in some time. I just looked thru and I am amazed at the nice looking flies. I just started tying and am having a blast. I hope to one day ty as well as you guys.
  • Dave Sabo

    Hey some nice flies ,I'm gonna give some of them a try. I will be sharing some of mine shortly .Have fun and catch lots of fish.
  • Greg McWilliams

    Shooter started a discussion what was your favorite fly. His was the dragonfly nymph, which started several of us playing with the pattern. It is has now moved into my box of flies that work good.

    If you will look on the ear of the gill you will see the fly or what is left of it. The gill and the redear mostly redear were tearing it up.
    Thank you MR. SHOOTER for that fly pattern. Now what is your second favorite fly??????????????????
  • Greg McWilliams

  • Vincent Ventura

    ill be posting some pics and info of some of my patterns i love realistic patterns and epoxy so hopefully you'll see new stuff
  • Vincent Ventura

  • Vincent Ventura

    these look great but can barely cast em on my 8 wt due to the weight of the epoxy
  • Greg McWilliams

    Vincent, nice flies, If the 8 wt. has trouble It would be really tough on a 2 wt. :-)
  • Zack Thomasson

    Hey guys we're making T-shirts for fishthenortheast of you want one shoot me a message
  • Richard Wayne

    The July-Aug-Sep issue of Fly Fisherman magazine has an article by Jim Dean titled "Summer Gills." It has a recipe for the 'black & bluegill' that I have found to work very well with bluegills as well as bass.
  • John C Watson

    Did some research on cricket imitations on line and tried to imitate what I found.  Don't think they came out bad but I have a real problem duplicating flies exactly as I see some on line do.  It seems that all flies of a type are almost identical.  I can't seem to be that precise although I don't think the bluegill will notice.


    Three that I tied.




  • dave kensinger

    when im not fly fishing this is my favorite past time,been tying for about 20 years
  • dave kensinger

    i tyed this up for steelheads but the bluegills fell in love with it
  • Leo Nguyen

    Dave, that mimics a drowned cricket! No wonder they ran for it. LOL Very nicely done! Have you tried one for a caterpillar? Steelhead and gill will love it.

  • John C Watson

    Read up on making small crab imitations which I figure the bream in the area that live in brackish water must eat.  These are my attempts at duplicating the crab fry.  I omitted the large claws on these to make them easier to tie.

  • dave kensinger

    tying up some new flies for this spring this i call my hundred legger [IMG][/IMG]

  • dave kensinger

  • Greg McWilliams

    Love the BLUE WINGCASE, Great looking FLY!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Steve Crowder

  • Chris Barclay

    Steve, I like that!!!

  • Steve Crowder

    Have not been able to do much fishing lately, work and windy weather. But have been able to tie some flies I really would like try on some big bluegills.

  • Steve Crowder

    It is a simple fly to tie Chris. Lead dumbell eyes, an under body of crystal flash, plastic tubing and marabou feathers and little chinelle for the head. Mix and match the colors as you please.

  • Chris Barclay

    Thanks Steve.  It looks easy enough and quite adaptable too. 

  • Mark Stine

    couple of ties from this morning. still raining here, hope to fish tomorrow.

  • Leo Nguyen

    Very nice! Great popper and nymph. Where dd you get the popper head or you carved it from scratch?

  • Mark Stine

    turned the popper heads on the lathe then shape the front with dremel or foredom rotary tool.

  • Leo Nguyen

    Holy moly! You use a lathe machine for the popper head?! Is the head made of solid plastic tubing or wood? You are truly awesome since you're painted that head. Just plain awesome!

  • Steve Crowder

    Nice work Mark. Love those colors. Do you air brush your poppers?

  • Mark Stine

    I do airbrush and sometimes just brush. I used a cotton swab for the eyes.  This is a poor picture the background robs a lot of the color.

  • Steve Crowder

    Good work Mark. I've never done more than plain paint my poppers, then use a tooth pick to paint the eyes. Your art work in amazing. 

  • jim cosgrove

    beautiful work-and i thought deer hair took a lot of time.that popper would never see the water if you gave me one.would sit with all the other museum pieces

  • jim cosgrove

    big fan of the craft foam myself leather and hole puhches

  • dave kensinger

    Check out warm water flytyer---Ward bean great patterns