Bluegill - Big Bluegill

Do you love big bluegill?

Join The Revolution


If you currently use a bobber and you are interested in some new methods of fishing, you can be eligible for a study which might just change fishing across North America.


 This study will be for live bait anglers. Anglers that are currently using:

Bobbers, Spring Bobbers, Slip Bobbers to catch bluegills. If this is your primary method of fishing for bluegills you can participate. Are you interested?


To participate in Bobber Fishing Revolution 2011, you will need to provide a couple things including, your current setups using a bobber. The total cost will be under $20 including shipping and is open to anglers in the U.S. and Canada who fish for bluegills. Those who participate will receive $50 in tackle & bait for this study.

The bait & tackle will be pre-made in some cases rigged and ready-to-fish based on the conditions / depths you are fishing. You will also get to test the 2011 Bluegill & Panfish Attractant and specific instructions will be sent to you.

If you wish to remain anonymous you can. Simply email me and don't post publicly that you are participating.  If you don't want people to know you are taking part for any reason - I will create a first name for your study and use those only.


If you are interested reply to the post or if you want to do it off to the side, contact me via email to apply. I can't take all the anglers that apply, but I will want people from all over the country to give it a try. While I don't anticipate getting that man the maximum would be around 30 - 45 anglers. 


To apply either email (or reply to this post): I am interested -

then list:

  1. depths you fish
  2. baits you fish
  3. names of bobbers you throw (brands, sizes)
  4.  and that you use live bait 75% of the time (vs. lures). 

    Sign-up will run during the month of March. Fish, keep track, record and make posts showing how you did, what you threw, bait etc.


Start the Revolution

Remember, we first want a sampling of how everyone fishes out there. We want to see what you are using. Once we get that - we will start the Revolution. If you want to get a jump on others and for sure you are interested in being a participant - contact me via email here and send the following if you have open water right now:


Complete Current Condition Study

Participants will be asked for photos and/or descriptions of their current bobbers to include:

1. Split Shot (photo) - closeup of your shot on the line

2. Measurements / distances of rig (measure from float to splitshot, distance from splitshot to hook and a photo of the whole rig

3. Hook Size (photo next to dime)

4. Bait used (photo on hook next to dime)

5. If possible - picture of spot you are fishing

5a. Description of spot you fish (lake, pond, current, slow-moving river, backwater)

5b. Depth of spot you fish (you can take a big splitshot, clip it above the hook and drop it down to find the depth)

6. Average fishing session time (in hours)

7. If you move around spot-to-spot OR if you tend to fish an area for a long time

8. Typical catch # of bluegills  / Size of bluegills avg.


Participants - Once this short, easy list is completed, you will be notified that you are selected and then you we can make arrangements for the custom rigs, shipping etc. Once I reach the maximum number of anglers, or I have coverage in a few states, this will close. You don't have to have the list done (1-8) to be selected, but it will help.

If you are updating rigs setups and your fishing during this month - you can pretty much consider yourself IN!


The results will be posted here in the Fall or as I receive the majority of comments from this Revolution Study.  Please consider participating in the study as I want to have several states, depths and fishing conditions covered and want results from real people. Join the study & Revolt!


I will be giving away 5 T-shirts and prizes to some random participants so everyone is eligible to be the top Revolutionist. I will choose 1 Revolutionary has done an extraordinary job as the grand champion rebel. So Revolt, get those rig diagrams in and represent your state or your local ponds and we will all learn together.


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Great report! Wish I had the sun and those fish. My new spot is the secret bullhead fishing grounds. I won't give up just yet. There is a spot close to work that I will bring gear for tomorrow and Wednesday to go micro gill fishing they are really small there - hopefully a little bigger this year but it is super close. I can be fishing in 8 minutes after work.

( they might be spitting that jig- as it doesn't seem like their food ). I see the merits of mealworms. Some get them free (that's huge), they do well with no ice so they are great to pack and #1  - fish dig them. I might have to order some with my next order or try and raise some.

#14 Eagle Claw is good - but the wire gauge on those is heavy. White River fly hooks are lighter gauge and might weight 1/2 as much as the claw for off-the-shelf.

By the way I have been talking with the stores to get product in there- it is going slowly, but there is still hope.

No Johnny NOT just the jig ,the #14 and spikes too. That's what was weird to me .I didnt use any shot either so the shy bite float just layed over on its side .Should have used 2 lb. test .Maybe the small float itself offered too much resistance without shot ?I was sight fishing and figured they werent spooked by me being so close ,20' or closer.,because they were taking . Maybe the heavier  gauge hook was a problem .I do have lighter wire hooks but there is more shaft and I dont have them in 14's .Just 10, and I think 12's .I've used them before with good success.I think yesterday was weird because the NW side of the lake by the pipe inlet was off ( got only one fish) ,but the SE cove was busy with fish but tricky to figure hook setting . That is a topic I 'd like to see covered in your show . Hook setting tecniques as pertained to  fish mood /speed of food intake.Whatever you call it !LOL.

AH - well that is a whole other story when they lightning-puke your bait and you can't figure out why.

Yes on the 2 lb. (or 1 lb.) - but sometimes it just doesn't matter.

I can relate a story of a huge pike taking a shiner minnow with no leader and a tiny splitshot with a size 12 hook.

By taking I mean I could see it approach the minnow and after a couple of seconds it gulped the thing in and spit it out in one motion- then it swam a away! This was on 4 lb. line?!

Going from 12 - 14/16 sized hooks will worm amazingly - you will see, but this does NOT mean that the fish would have held on for sure. They could have spat the stuff out just the same.

Are they setting up for spawning? Then they would be just aggression-striking and going to kill (but not eat) the intruding bait.


I have been there where I set into air- and you just have to keep changing the time, change the bait, change the leader sometimes you just change your spot from the side of the lake to the truck.

: (


We can set you up with some floats to cast further and if you go down to a 3 lb. main line, you can really fire a cast out using a small float for distance. 


I attached a picture of my hook and spike setup - you should NOT able to easily spot my hook and the line also should not show up all that well. 1.5 lb. magic!

Size 14 hook  - note the light wire- it's nearly invisible
1.5 lb. leader
You can also see the micro shot up the line above my hand on the black - something we haven't covered too much - SHOT!!!

15' Telescopic Cane Pole

You can also spot the 3 lb. main line on the pole's black area. 


Fishing has been cancelled here-  44 degrees, dropping, windy and raining. Grrr. Well, I am going to fill up that leader wallet I was talking about and be ready for fishing coming up. Preparation, preparation, preparation - it's Spring officially.

This Saturday I will be discussing the first steps in joining the Revolution on my podcast (& live streaming show) Saturdays 10 a.m. EST / 9 a.m. Central.

Listen to archives of the Fishing School - the Live Bait Fishing " radio for the rest of us ".  This show will feature live bait, tactics for real anglers like bluegill people.

Take a look at the Revolution above and if you have questions - drop me a line. Click on my icon and you can find resources on my page. I should give out Big Bluegill prizes through the showgram for contributors.


In case you are still into Revolution - let's pick back up. I started a group: "Catch" where we will be going step-by-step into improving your catch this year. Join the Catch Group Here.

Discussions are "on track" and the gloves are off. Topics will be advancing your live bait fishing, pole fishing, float fishing, baits, catching more panfish - more fish.

We can see how many people can have their best year. We will also cover some fishing history and see how live bait fishing since 1950 have been neglected like a red-headed stepchild.

Exhibit "A":

This float was hand crafted and is something to behold. Note the small insert portion of the float at the top - this feature allows the angler to see any little bump on the bait. note the line wraps to hold the insert in place tightly. I estimate this to be 50 years old. There is a rubber band to hold the float on the rig at the right depth - the rubber band is at the far left of the photo. This rig is then wrapped - wound onto the keeper so the rig can be stored in-between fishing outings. This winder also protects the float from harm in many cases.

I will have a complete gallery in the Catch group  to demonstrate the old tackle is better than the stuff in most US catalogs.


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Jeffrey D. Abney commented on John Sheehan's photo

1stice Fish 2025

"Pretty perch John…..looks like you guys are in for some winter weather this week!"
5 hours ago
John Sheehan commented on John Sheehan's photo

1stice Fish 2025

"Me too Bruce, these two might be some of the deepest ice Fish I've ever caught. I guess the…"
Bruce Tomaselli commented on John Sheehan's photo

1stice Fish 2025

"Love those perch, nice!"
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"The smallest reel I own; Daiwa AG500. Also, the smallest Ice rod I own.HT 25" Spring bobber…"
John Sheehan commented on John Sheehan's photo

1stice Fish 2025

"The smallest reel I own; Daiwa AG500. Also, the smallest Ice rod I own.HT 25" Spring bobber…"
John Sheehan posted an album
John Sheehan commented on John Sheehan's photo


"Finally, a few on my 4th outing this Year."
John Sheehan posted a photo
John Sheehan commented on John Sheehan's photo


"Caught two Perch dead sticking a tungsten Jig/Waxie today. My first two catches after a 3-outing…"
John Sheehan commented on John Sheehan's photo


"Bruce I see a photo when I click on the link . Perhaps you have to hit the spacebar once at the end…"
John Sheehan posted a status
"A few Perch today at Cupsaw Lake in the Basin 32'. Finally, some Ice Fish."
Bruce Tomaselli commented on John Sheehan's photo


"Why didn't my picture show up? Does it need to be a pdf?"
Bruce Tomaselli commented on John Sheehan's photo


"Well, knowing my buddy he tipped his jigs with minnows, wax worms or butter worms."
John Sheehan commented on John Sheehan's photo


"Woah nice Gills and Bass, Bruce! Get any info like bait, lures and depths those fish took to?"
Bruce Tomaselli commented on John Sheehan's photo


"ice fish 202025.jpeg"
Bruce Tomaselli commented on John Sheehan's photo


"Here's what I missed this past weekend. ice%20fish%202025.jpeg"
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"That's one more than I've caught. Getting over illness and haven't been out yet."
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