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At 2:52pm on August 27, 2011, Robert Terry Glascock said…
Good to hear you got out fishing Dick, sounds like you did good!! What lake did you go to?.
At 3:56am on August 26, 2011, Pat said…

Good for you!  I haven't been out in well over a month.  Just one thing or the other always getting in the way.

I hope to get out a couple more times this year before the snow flys but who knows.

That's pretty cool you have your own pond.  I sure wish I did!  I was always going to build one when I lived in the country but now being in town that'll never happen!  Oh well, could have, would have, should have.

I'll let you know if I get out anymore.  Stay safe!

At 2:44am on August 26, 2011, DON PATTON said…


 I would agree...the Pumpkinseeds are a Beautiful little fish. They would make a fine addition to your pond. Bluegill, Pumpkinseeds and sunfish can cross breed to create hybrids as well.

 Glad to hear you had a good day fishing !!


At 9:10pm on August 25, 2011, 10.5" RES Sharon said…
Glad you had a good time. We drained the shrimp pond until we could see the bottom and there wasn't one shrimp left. Guess between the algae, lack of oxygen, turtles, snakes,  and lack of water, we lost them all. But, we learned a lot and will try again next year.
At 11:26am on August 17, 2011, Sam k. said…
thank you dick for the great welcome. I have a question how do you post pictures and videos?
At 7:08pm on August 16, 2011, 10.5" RES Sharon said…
Thanks dick. I'm slowing reading all the attached literature whenever I can.
At 12:10pm on August 16, 2011, ROy T. Gray said…
Thanks for the welcome Dick! I'm new to Bluegills but not to fishing. I'll be busy doing a bunch of reading and I'll post pictures as I learn!
At 4:40pm on August 15, 2011, Larry Melvin said…
Thanks for the welcome Dick.....
At 7:30pm on August 14, 2011, 10.5" RES Sharon said…
Just wanted to tell you our shrimp pond almost did a turnover due to the hot weather, and the amount of algae in it. I think we finally got it fixed before it was too late. Lost about 3 dozen big ones. Tomorrow morning I'll go down early and see if pumping water through all day helped.
At 2:54pm on August 14, 2011, Curtis A. Luster said…
Dick, thank you for the welcome. I am pretty excited to read, learn and then apply it to my fishing. Thank you for allowing me into this excellent community. I will indeed offer my questions and enjoy this community who LOVES to fish. Thank you again!
At 10:28am on August 11, 2011, ep said…
yes sir...your right....coppernose...some of the old salts here in fl call them copperheads..either way they are a thrill to catch..been catching them on grass shrimp next to road bridge pilings...
At 7:41am on August 11, 2011, ep said…
thanks for the glad i found this great loaded with great stuff..are there any copperhead people in florida in your membership...been here 40 plus years and bg's are my favorite fish to catch..thanks again... will be soaking up the great info on this site and will be happy to add if i can....ep out
At 9:31pm on August 10, 2011, Loren W. Moseley said…

Hi, wanna be carver,  Did not get to do much fishin' this year - windy weather, other dog-boarding duties, etc..  May still get out with my son, Pat, to a nice farm pond nearby.

If, like most beginning carvers, you have sharpening challenges, let me know (with mailing address) and I will send you a copy of my book, "On the Cutting Edge, a Wood Carvers Guide to Tool Sharpening".  Website is: .  Book is described within website.


At 7:01pm on August 10, 2011, Larry d.McClough said…
Thanks dick I really love bluegill fishing this is a really good site I know iam going to love it, thanks for the welcome.
At 9:03am on August 4, 2011, kent meadows said…
Thank you much for the welcome. I have just started back fishing for panfish after a 30 year haitus. Being I can only make it to saltwater once a month I realized how much fun I was missing out by not throwing in fresh water here by the house. Picked up a flyrod June 1st and have had as much fun catching these bluegills, Redears, and Greenies as a speckled trout or redfish. My wife has also started fly fishing for these lil monsters. Funny how a 12" Redear can change one's whole life.
At 4:37pm on July 26, 2011, Tim said…
Thanks for the welcome message Dick. I am assuming the 2 fish in my pic are hybrid gill/green sunfish? Any feedback would be much appreciated. Thanks again!
At 7:45pm on July 22, 2011, Bruce Condello said…
the dynamic of this site only works when people like you carry such a consistently positive attitude. I hope you spend as much time here as possible. And when you get to feeling better perhaps you can come this way.
At 1:49pm on July 17, 2011, chuck said…
hey dick,i dont know if i am the guru of lake st. clair but i do have my days.the bass fishing is better than ever on lake st. clair.its tough reeling in big smallmouth on bluegill tackle,i have'nt been out in a couple of weeks,work.going to try this week if i can find the right weeds.
At 5:22am on July 17, 2011, David Johnson said…
hello Dick good to hear from no have not been fishing lately I do not have any over cast days to tell you about at the present you have to be a good
fisherman i just have that feeling i want to learn from you have a great day
At 11:21pm on June 08, 2011, David Johnson gave dick tabbert a gift

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"Great pics Jeffrey and loads of fun to catch."
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