I went fishing saturday with some family members, and we had a blast. I decided to bring my UL's with me so I can test them out and break them in. it was a good dicision because although I didnt catch much, my UL's did the job of pulling in 1 shellcracker (redear sunfish) and 2 Bluegill but only one bluegill was big enough to keep. well all and all, it was a good but slow day of fishing but from my perspective it was still fun and humbling at the same time I geuss.
Keep Fishing. Keep…
Added by Tobias Jackson Jr. on December 27, 2009 at 5:30pm —
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Merry Christmas to all the folks on Bigbluegill. Wish you were up here in WI to help me clean up all the snow. JR
Added by Jody Robert on December 25, 2009 at 6:23am —
1 Comment
today I had went out to get some new supplies for my fishing action this winter and for tomorrow. I had got 2 ultralight rods which are: a ugly stick UL and a cirsus UL and I had also got a 7 columned tackle box for my fishing gear, and I finally got some more grub jigs and some minnow imitation jigs for the crappie and some TRILENE:SMOOTH CAST line in low vis green. just to let yall knew, im kind of nervous about using UL's because I really dont use UL's like that, but we will see what happens…
Added by Tobias Jackson Jr. on December 24, 2009 at 1:04pm —
i have a 2.5 acre farm pond last year we could see all kinds of blue gills along the edge but this year never seen one or caught one, just crappies. i killed this pond off 4.5 years ago and restocked per DNR recommendations. we have caught the full range of crappies from small to 12 inchers any input would be great. there is large mouth bass, catfish ,bluegill and 100 black crappieswhen i restocked it.
Added by Troy Bahlmann on December 23, 2009 at 5:05pm —
I went fishing yesterday nd me nd my dad had went fishing but we didnt do so good. my dad caught one fish which was a striper nd of course of me i caught nothing, but I geuss its the luck I have when I fish with my father lol. but he only caught the fish once he fell asleep. but all in all, it was still fun to be out on the water with the family nd seeing at least someone catch a fish.
keep fishing. keep fishing hard.
Added by Tobias Jackson Jr. on December 23, 2009 at 3:55pm —
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After we took the kids back inside to their mothers and their eventual naptimes, I headed back out with my mom and dad to try and figure out how to fill up a 5 gallon bucket full of them pesky little bluegills. The bluegill were hugging tight to the bottom (according to my good friend Vexilar) and werent moving around or interested in eating much. Typically when we…
Added by Nate Herman on December 20, 2009 at 1:53pm —
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Literally. It wasnt but just a couple years ago and I was changing their diapers and rocking them to sleep. Now I am baiting their hooks, removing their fish, snapping tons of photos, and just having a great time fishing and exploring the outdoors with these gals! Yesterday we spent about an hour hiking down to the pond, drilling and scooping out numerous holes just for…
Added by Nate Herman on December 20, 2009 at 1:42pm —
Could those of you lucky enough to catch fish, photograph them, and put online here, please identify what they are for those of us still ignorant? I'm still trying to guess the different types of BG, and am usually wrong the few times they are identified.
Thank you,
Added by 10.5" RES Sharon on December 13, 2009 at 5:03pm —
http://www.lake-link.com/ If your from the mid-west you need to check out this site
Added by Jody Robert on December 13, 2009 at 5:22am —
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The ice was 3ish inches. Caught in 12 ft. of water off the bottom on a size 12 pink jig and a wax worm. Temp at the time was low teens. Been below zero the past few nights but because we got so much snow on the ice last wed. the freeze up is going slow. Be careful out there!!
Added by Jody Robert on December 12, 2009 at 10:01pm —
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Cant wait for the ice to come.Got a flasher for fishing this year and am hoping for a couple of inches to walk on this weekend.This is an annual rite of passage for many of us up in the north (although I just took it up last year at 36) But not everyone that fishes up here thinks its that great ,I can honestly say, I didnt either, til, I pulled that first 8" gill up the hole.
When your on the outside looking in, I guess, it seems kind of dumb to sit in front of a bunch of different…
Added by Rob Garner on December 7, 2009 at 6:28pm —
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Hey gang, I know that it's warm in the south and starting to freeze -up in the north, but I just thought I'd pass along some tactics that have worked for me the past many years once the water temperatures drop below 50 F down even to as low as 38 F in 'open-water' scenarios in the Mid-Atlantic.
I utilize hairjigs that I tie in several options and sizes. This is not a blog designed to advertise my product, but rather to help winter time panfishermen use what I believe to be a deadly…
Added by Jim Gronaw on December 1, 2009 at 5:46pm —
This is an invitation to the above SMR. On Apr.30 and May 1, 2010, in Tahlequah, Ok. This is an event put on by the Tulsa Fly Fishing Club and the Tahlequa Fly Fishers. It is an event to promote fishing in the area and bring Fly tyers together for a 2 day event.Some of the featured tyers are the tyers from
www.warmwaterflytyer.com, Dave Whitlock, Terry and Roxanne Wilson, They have written books on Blue Gill, Smallmouth, Largemouth, fishing with a…
Added by Greg McWilliams on December 1, 2009 at 7:02am —