Sarah Thomasson

28, Female

Woodbury, NJ

United States

Profile Information:

What type of animal is a bluegill?
no, just a community lake
What state are you from? This can help us get together for fishing trips!
New Jersey or Northeast PA

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  • Bruce Condello

    Hi, Sarah! Sorry I missed your message about how to unhook bluegill. I like bluegillboogieman's response.
  • Greg McWilliams

    Sara, The copper flash does sink with bead chain eyes, it sinks real slow..!!!!
  • Greg McWilliams

    Sarah, Haven't heard much about your fly rod. Are you using it and what flies are you using?????? Low water is good for The fly rod or the fly rod is good for low water!!!!! Give it a try , have used the copper flash fly???????