Johnny wilkins


La Grange, IL

United States

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What type of animal is a bluegill?
I have a very small pond, I do most of my fishing in retention ponds and public ponds- we have very small bluegills and my methods are productive for these tough takes that small bluegills offer. They would do well on larger gills!
What state are you from? This can help us get together for fishing trips!
Chicago Area - Fishing Classes & Club

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  • Kelly Peterson

    Hi Johnny;

    Read your Gulp vs Waxie test thread and am really intrigue. Although I use live bait nearly 95% of the time I've never tried waxies, meal worms, corn or anything else other than worms, crawlers, leeches and minnows(the later is my least used). Over the years have heard of lots of people using waxies ice fishing but rarely hear about using them in open water.

    I am definitely old school, still use 40+ year old Mitchell reels and 8-9 foot fiberglass rods and recently have graduated from the re/white round bobbers to the pencil type floats. Hate the slip type floats and the spring type can wreck havoc on light line. Sure would like to know more of the things you mentioned on another thread about older fishing tools were better than todays.

    Thanks, Kelly

  • Marvin Morgan

    Am looking for info about how to rig the different types of Thill floats, but unable to find any books/pamphlets that show the way to rig the different type of floats.  Can you point me in the right direction to find out about the different floats, and how to rig them?

  • Kelly Peterson

    Marvin, which Thill floats, clip on or slip floats?