

Ronks, PA

United States

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What type of animal is a bluegill?
No. But I fish at them.

Comment Wall:

  • Patrick "Bullworm" Olson

    Thanks Trevor! You were essential to my wanting to draw. I saw your drawing which, is pretty cool, and I said to myself, "Thats it! Draw a big bad bluegill!" So, thanks for the inspiration!
  • Patrick "Bullworm" Olson

    I love all forms of art bud! It is hard not to compare your own work with someone elses. I see it like this, there is no way I can draw like you and in no way can you draw like me. We all have our own styles! I took many art classes and learned that we all have talent!!! Keep at it! I was thinking for starting a bluegill art group for those of us that draw, paint, carve big ol' gills. If I do start this group you need to join!! You are very talented!!!
  • Zack Thomasson

    Red Ribbon