Christine Arnold


Ashville, AL

United States

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What type of animal is a bluegill?
yes..small in my back field but it drains after the rain stops. I really have to fix that leak!
What state are you from? This can help us get together for fishing trips!

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  • bluegillboogieman

    I'm honored to be your Bigbluegill friend Christine. Your grandfather is history, not only in Alabama, but the fishing world. Thanks for sharing with us. I love this website, it is my favorite. Please get to the water as often as you can and give us something to talk about. We want pictures. The smaller the gill the better. So we can feel equal.

    As for the quill shopping, in this economy, everybody needs the business. My last surviving bait shop in Enterprise is closing up. They had most stuff half price last time I went to buy crickets. I found a small box of quills with 10 or 12 in it. I bought them all. I've already lost 2 in Holmes Creek. I understand Scotts father used no float at all. Beginners luck maybe. Just kidding.
  • bluegillboogieman

    Good luck tomorrow. Don't do anything to embarrass yourself. Don't forget your camera. I have a discussion on here, How To Make A Hat Cam. It works if you're by yourself.
  • Bruce Condello

    Your profile picture is awesome.