Kyle Sorensen


Oshkosh, WI

United States

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  • Justin Gloede

    hey me and stellmacher will be headed out to poygan tomorrow if your not busy.. 920-595-0724 if you wanna go.. I got txts too if you just say who you are.. we'll be out wit tip ups and jig rods after whatever bites pretty much!
  • Justin Gloede

    dude don't bother.. it sucks! me and andrew from on here went out there for a couple hours today.. nothings plowed got stuck once with my explorer and had to use 4wd-low to get around. Theres trails that people packed down but there was over 100 vehicles out here today.. the fish just aren't there anymore.
  • Justin Gloede

    whats up?? I'll be hittin lake geneva all day on sunday like I did this past sunday. Check out the gills I got I added the pics on here!