David, aka, "McScruff"


Leesville, SC

United States

Profile Information:

What date is Independence Day?
June 4
What type of animal is a bluegill?
A widdle biddy fishy
What state are you from? This can help us get together for fishing trips!

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  • dick tabbert

  • Derek Hawes

     Try tru-turn, they have a good selection, and are great hooks

  • dick tabbert

    David if I could get your name an address one more time. Last time I wrote it down but who knows what I did with it when I cleaned off my computer desk. 

  • Vince Fusco

    Hey David, No Family there that I am aware of. My people immigrated to south central Missouri, and I was born in Iowa. I think they made a wrong turn when the boat landed. lol Living here in Georgia now and loving it!



  • mike martinez

    About that rio,Yes they are cichlids and they get pretty big.The older males get these huge foreheads.

  • mike martinez

    Yes they do. i haven't yet, but I plan to eat some this year.

  • mike martinez

    That was funny:)Took alot of pictures that day at the river with the settings on negative and sketch.

  • mike martinez

    Exactly,plus i had a little time between the bites that day:(

  • Jim Gronaw

    David...might not get the Poly Wogz pics up tonight...you can check em out at stankxbaitco.com on the net. One inch long with a super thin 'nail tail' taper. Good baits!

  • Jim Gronaw

    Thanks for the invite, David...let's catch some fish!

  • Jim Gronaw

    You're right...they don't look like much! But I have had them in my arsenal for about a year now. I fish them below a small pear-shaped bobber on 2 or 4 lb test UL spinning gear. Twitch-twitch, pause, twitch, pause, twitch -twitch-twitch, pause....something like that.

    They have a needle thin tail, that I believe has action beyond some of the other brands out there. Plus, they have a very strong, garlic odor..'infused with CB's Hawg Sauce'...as is advertised. I am not a huge fan of plastics, with my own hairjigs and all. But yesterday they actually outfished live worms on a fairly tough bite. Fish em on 1/32 oz jigheads or 1/64. I like 1/32nd's.

    Hope this helps...Jim

  • Jim Gronaw

    David...I use a fixed, or attached float, for about 95% of my float fishing options, including the Poly Wogz. There are times when I have found some plastics that the fish haven't seen, and they seem to respond to them more than what is currently out there...even in some of the lightly fished ponds I go to. Still, like yourself, I find that a can of worms is hard to beat in the panfish world, either as a whole bait on a fine wire hook or as a tipping, attractive agent. Some things in nature you just can't improve on for the day in, day out success.

  • David, aka, "McScruff"

    I was knocking around the internet recently and ran across a technique I've never heard of.
    It is called the Indiana Tube Jig and it is really simple. It is nothing more than a regular soft plastic tube body, which is affixed BACKWARDS on a normal jig head.
    This gives it a sort of hydra-like look, with the tentacles undulating up around the jig head. I confess its pretty cool.
    I'm sure you could also do it with a tube style jig head, too.

    I haven't tried it, yet, but was wondering of any of you have heard of it, or maybe tried it?
  • Tony Livingston

    Jim touches on something that I firmly believe in...throw something different now and then! Especially in situations where the fish are pressured. Non-pressured fish will hit a lot more stuff, especially this time of year, but wary fish like to see something they haven't before......take it from someone who fishes the same pond every night, and practices catch and release......you need to mix it up, in order to turn the action up!


    I'M going to give a holler at young Master Jacob and see if I can't get him to make a short video of the BARNEY SHUFFLE and how to do it. I showed it to him and his dad last week and they really liked it and caught some nice fish doing it.

  • Tony Livingston

    Nothing wrong with that...worms flat-out catch fish!

  • Terry Wilson

    Hi David, Thanks for the shoutout. Wishing you many beautiful vibrations.  Terry Wilson

  • David, aka, "McScruff"

    Spent some time tying up a few of my chosen standards...
    - Modified McGinty
    - The Humbug
    The MCGinty is a classic pattern, a bee imitation. It's primarily a summer pattern, to be used near shore.
    The Humbug its a shellback wet spider, a la, the Bullys Bluegill Spider. Weighted, its a deeper, spring/fall pattern. Sans weight, it's a general purpose design.
    A few a day and I'll have a mess come Spring.
  • Tony Livingston

    David, I'm not sure what a fly swap entails......

  • dick tabbert

    http://www.washingtonflyfishing.com/forum/index.php?threads/how-a-f... hope this gives you some kind of idea. 1st you have to find out how many are interested so everybody knows how many flies to tie. After you know how many are interested they tie the flies and send them to who ever is heading this thing up with a couple dollars for shipping. Then after all the flies are received they are divide and shipped. I never found out who headed it up last year still working on it.

  • Justin

    I don't have a name for my fly but I would like to partake in the fly swap
  • David, aka, "McScruff"

    My best wishes go it to Tony Livingston in IS, and all those in the path of last nights storms.
    Stay safe in the aftermath!
  • Tony Livingston

    Thanks David, all is well here. We were spared most of the violent stuff....not so fortunate just a few miles away however. My thoughts are with those folks.

  • jim cosgrove

    David' sorry ,will not have the time for the swap,have barely fished this year due to work and some other stuff.hope someone can start one after the holidays .thanks for the invite tho

  • jim cosgrove

    would be glad to get in on the next one ,dont want to just do it in a rush and do sloppy work thanks

  • David, aka, "McScruff"

    Thank you to all for the heartfelt Thanksgiving wishes. In this day and time, we are often pulled in opposing directions - too often forgetting how good life is. Give some love today, folks!
  • Leo Nguyen

    So..where's the latest photo of the McScruffy looking handsome guy?

  • David, aka, "McScruff"

    Just say no to cameras Leo
  • Mark Stine

    McScruff if I wanted instant gratification I would go to the bass pro store otherwise I would buy them online: Jannsnetcraft, cabelas, etc. I bought hard foam popper kits twice at the bass pro but thought they were a little expensive. but they do come with the matching kink shank hook.

  • Flyboy

    My favorite bluegill fly is one that catches fish! I'm pretty lucky, I've caught fish on the many different flies I have in my possession. Top water is by far my favorite....there is nothing better then watching a gill explode on a fly. I do have some nymphs and wets that pull in some nice fatties when the bite slows on the surface. Here are some good producers (there are a couple flies I'll have to take pics of because I'm pretty sure they are local only)

    Top water: Wilson's sponge spider, General Principal Caddis (tied up by Peter Mock-Jordan of lost angler flies) two tone stealth bomber (lost angler) bugaloo (lost angler) grinch worm, poppers etc.

    Nymphs: Northfork nymphs by Terry Wilson (electric blue is killer), bully's spider, Hare's ear (normal, flashback, and bead head have all picked up some nice fish for me) chartreuse gnat (has caught fish when it seemed like nothing would work) and a couple bugs I will take shots of for you.

    I'm still collecting materials and trying to find time to sit down and crank my own out, so I'm still buying for the time being.
  • Flyboy

    I have a few different key spots I fish depending on what mood I'm in, or if my main fishing buddy is on a quest. I have a pond through a little trail behind my house I hit up if I just want to get my fix quickly. Some of the greener looking fish, the crappie, nod the night time shot of the bass were caught there.
    I live up the road from a boat launch into a chain of lakes (Barbee chain in North Webster Indiana) which I'll go if I want to snag a few for dinner. Had a pike steal a #8 spider while gillin' there and musky troll around as well.
    Another catch and release spot for me is at a damn at a campground we have a lot at. My profile pic was from there and most of the earlier pics I posted were taken there as well.
    I got my buddy into float tubing last year (my first go at it as well) and we either hit up a gravel pit (where those big colorful gills I posted from July were taken) or hit up some mall lakes/ponds in the tri county fish and game area up my way.
    One last spot we hit is a lake in my buddy's john boat. We row along the shore and pull them off beds in spots he's always hit when he was a kid.
    There are so many spots around me some days it's hard to decide, but this year we have some new spots to hit up and hopefully add to our honey hole lists.
  • David, aka, "McScruff"

    Got something to take a small grub fly today. I never got a strong hook up, though. And never had them to hand.
    We've had a bit of warming in the last 48 hours, although still very cool at night. I did note some surface activity, although it is still too soon for winged insects in any number.
    I'm thinking the fish are taking small midges, or other aquatic insects near the surface.
    Regardless, a little stirring is a good thing.
  • carl hendrix

    eric-- sounds like you might be close to Alabama point!  I have fished there many times!  real close to mobile; also close to pensocala!   hey david;; yep- I have worked and lived all over florida to!  from the north to the south!  st.pete; tampa; Miami;; the flordia keys; Clewiston; hommiassa springs;  you name it!  I helped to build the nuclear plant there at crystal river;; and the one at ft. pyrce!  use to be fun going along alligator alley-- at NIGHT!!  also built some beer tanks there at bush gardens!!   not to many places I have not been to in florida!

  • Eric Pierce

    Yes Carl, I'm just east of Pensacola, maybe 30-45 minutes depending on how you drive. And my future better half actually lives just north of Mobile in Satsuma. I drove a truck for about 14 years and have been all over Florida myself. But between the Fed.s and my health, I had to stop driving. I will find out this coming Tuesday If My VA check starts hitting the bank like it should and that will help a lot. Then maybe in about a month or so I can afford to get to the lake. Unfortuneatly, no money, no fishing. but everything will start turning for the better real soon. Any way wont be long and I'll be back at the water.

  • carl hendrix

    hope so eric!  no fishing is no fun buddy!  I took off fishing for a few years to set myself up for my retirement.  now I have all the time I need!  yep-- lived and worked in mobile to!!  I usually stayed in Theodore part of mobile;; tryied to stay away from 8 mile area.  in theordore;; I was not far from the grayhound dog track; just across the miss. line.  at dauphin island-- I helped to build several different types of tanks there-- some flat bottoms;; and elevated watertowers..

  • Eric Pierce

    Yep, I will agree with the no fishing no fun part. I'm pretty much just getting back on my feet, literally. Recovering from surgery for the second bout with cancer. First time got my colon or 90% of it anyway, and this time got a third of my left kidney. Both times showed they got all of the cancer out. They found the tumer on the kidney by pure accident doing the follow up MRI for the colon surgery. Now it's just getting my stamina back. Being on the pure oxygen for as long as they had me this time is really taking it's toll. So I'm taking it slow. Went back to my part time work for about 3-5 hours for just one day a week helps, but man I come home and it seems every part of my body hurts....Lost everything to the Fed.'s out in Texas and my sister came to the rescue and got me back here with her family till I get back on my feet again, then I'm moving over to Mobile. Been scoping out some fishing sites over there around Satsuma. Looks to be very promising. Hopefully will be there soon.

  • Steven Popp

    Dave I was told to contact you about a post I posted about expandable poles
  • Steven Popp

    Dave thank you for the info
  • John Sheehan

    Here's the spoon  I lost ,aaaaagh!

  • Slip Sinker

    did you break that bottle of champagne yet?

  • John Foro

    You are welcome....that is gray squirrel tail...combining my two favorites...fishing and squirrel hunting.
    i have been fishing them under a balsa quil float and after casting..just gental p"pull" so when jig rises then slowly drops. also used it in a drop shot and similar combinations. hope they work for you
  • dick tabbert

    Welcome aboard McScuff something I talked about 6 months ago. I know I have much to learn myself and hopefully with all the knowledge on this site we can become better accustomed with our electronics.

  • Greg Sheehan

    Thanks David! John is a hoot plus to fish with. I better check out that other mother stuff.
  • John Sheehan

  • John Sheehan

    Hutton spoons Haha , I have a very paper thin ,light one about 2,3/4 "  I can trying split shotting .The name and connection hit me just now so I sent you the link .I've never caught on the Hutton spoon ,I have only tried once before I think .It's perhaps a trolling spoon gotten down with a weight ,but flutter spoons that can be casted with wind at the back can be productive as casting spoons on light line .Tipped with a piece of crawler ,very enticing to fish and the extra weight aids in casting and better than using a shot .

  • John Sheehan

    "I've got a bunch of those paper thin ones too, mostly Luhr Jensen "Manastees" I'd like to try a three way swivel, with a Helldiver low, and a flutter spoon high. Hopefully I can get the chance."...SOUNDS LIKE A GREAT TANDEM IDEA ,BUT DO YOU MEAN HELLDIVER OR HELLBENDER?

  • Slip Sinker

  • Stephen Scott

    Hello. I joined the site then got real busy and forgot about it. My passion is fly fishing for pan fish, mainly Blue Gills. My main fishing ground is Clarks hill lake, Savannah River, and local ponds. Nice to meet you

  • Dohrman Crawford

    Thanks for friending me. I have not figured out how to do that yet.