arthur cole


Ringwood, NJ

United States

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What state are you from? This can help us get together for fishing trips!

Comment Wall:

  • Bruce Condello

    Welcome to the BBG Club, Arthur!

    You'll like it here. John's a great guy.

  • John Sheehan

    Hey Art-That Smallie you lost yesterday was HUUUUGGGE!!!

    You took the loss of the fish like a real man and didnt break down and cry ...what a sportsman!
    Now we gotta go catch some real nice Bluegills and Sunfish and post some photos here.I cant seem to get a BGover 8 and 1/2 inches around here in NE N Jersey.
  • John Sheehan

    Excellent Striper ART! More photos please!!!!What !!,you caught a 2 pound Blue Gill????What did you catch that on a Steak??LOL!!!
  • John Sheehan

    Good night on Cupsaw!
  • John Sheehan

    No man ,got gigs and guitar students on the weekend ...wont be fishin till Monday ...I'll post photos of tonights catch a 19" Bass .
  • John Sheehan

    Art-Wanno go fishing at Monksville this week...full moon man...maybe Walleyes want to get caught!
  • John Sheehan

    Art -Went to Davis'Sport Shop today .Bought a few Walleye tandem spinner rigs for us plus some other stuff.
    Greenwood Sunday at 7:30?
  • John Sheehan

    I am gonna take you gill fishing at Shepherd lake soon . Your site here is disgustingly void of cool BGills and Sunfish photos. Unless you want to be stoned in public by Blue Gill enthusiasts you better comply. Lance Cashler and I are ashamed of you!!!!!LOL!
  • John Sheehan

  • John Sheehan

    Where are your Bluegill pics? Yes you have a great looking boat ,we all wish we had it. Now get some Gills will ya.