Mike Stacy


Aguila, AZ

United States

Profile Information:

What type of animal is a bluegill?
I had a little 10 ft puddle on the back edge of my property in Ainaloa subdivision, Pahoa, Hawaii. I put tadpoles from Waipio valley in it, and ten pound Goliath frogs grew out of them. At night, you could hear them for MILES. I put tilapia in the puddle, but the frogs ate them. My neighbor swears they ate his cat. My next pond will be even MORE interesting.
What state are you from? This can help us get together for fishing trips!

Comment Wall:

  • bluegillboogieman

    Mike, welcome to BBG.com. I'm really glad you joined us. Just a few days and your pics, words and love of fishing have got me excited. I hope you check in often and share with us.

  • Walt Foreman

    Florida's state record bluegill weighed 2 lbs. 15 oz.
  • Steve Crowder

    Good to meet you also Mike. Great!!! you got a state record. Nice looking bunch of fish you have there. Was down in your part of the world years ago (mid 70's). Always anjoyed living there. Send more photos.
  • Bruce Condello

    Hey, Mike.  Sorry, but I totally forget to check my inbox periodically, so your message got kinda stale. :-)  Have you still been getting out?  Seeing any bedding fish yet?
  • John Cachel

    Very nice bass and bluegills .... also catfish, too!
  • David, aka, "McScruff"

    Im glad the lemon lime soak worked! Im gonna make a and out your words as "testimony!"
  • clint johnson

    may flies are hatchin out at dead lakes in wewa bream era starting to bite good
  • John Sheehan

    What are cooters?