Jody Robert


Edgar, WI

United States

Profile Information:

What type of animal is a bluegill?
Do not own my own but have access to several. Some pond fishing is what I call fantasy fishing.

Comment Wall:

  • Sarah T.

    so i here your new. you'll love this site....especially chat and everyones amazing pictures..(especially john sikkila.)
  • mike needles

    no its not really an option here in delaware, but i want to try it some day
  • Greg McWilliams

    Do you use a shack when you ice fish? Or do you tough it out? Keep posting your outings, going out on the ice fasinates me. When ice comes here I wait til thaw.
  • Greg McWilliams

    Wow Jody, That is a neat fishing hut , If I could get past walking on ice Think I could fish in you sub-degree weather. Ice ends my fishing here but you caught a really nice gill, under the keep showing your winter escapades. I can watch from a far.
  • Magnolia Rick

    sound like you had a good day. eat some for me.
  • Greg McWilliams

    Is it your birthday? Happy Birthday. I am just 2 day older than you are.
  • Greg McWilliams

    Morning Jody, it is a balmy -1 here this morning. To much Ice to fish and not enough ice to fish. Enjoy today!!!! Can't wait for more pics!!!!!
  • lisa greene

    it's pretty cold here too. we tried to go fishing yesterday. didn't even get a bite. they don't bite very well when it's cold here. i am waiting on spring & it seems like it will never get here! about the catches, i am a believer in live bait. mostly use crickets but sometimes use big red wigglers. i am thinking about starting a worm bed this spring. those worms get awfully expensive!
  • Greg McWilliams

    How was the fishin the other day. It was 48 for a high, yesterday. headed for a high in the 50's. Get rid of all this ice ought to be able to fish by the week end. Rancher told me the ice was 8" thick on thursday. Maybe by the weekend. I have fish fever and need of therapy.
  • chris from canada

    Hey JR,
    The club that I am in is a fly fishing one, we give fly tying coarses at one of the local high schools, and we are implicated with the governement, to give basic fishing coarses to kids, and fly fishing coarses ( they are both one day outtings ). I must not forget to mention that we are also implicated in the canadian fly fishing museum, last of all is our winter reunions to tye flies, and shoot the crap!
    We are on line; P.M.H.Y.

    Yes, I found the jigs on this sight, and will be ordering them soon. I tye almost all of my flies on jig hooks, and have been doing it for years now.
  • Scott Brever

    Great to see another cheese head on here.
    Looked on the map to see where edgar was located.