Ben Winter

70, Male

Eaton, OH

United States

Profile Information:

What type of animal is a bluegill?
No Pond
What state are you from? This can help us get together for fishing trips!

Comment Wall:

  • Bruce Condello

    Welcome, Ben Winter.

    Thanks for posting some bluegill pictures for us! We hope that you'll catch lots more nice ones in '09.

  • Kiana Fitzpatrick

    Welcome to the site!!
  • Allen

    Welcome, Ben.
    Fish On!!!
  • jason

    yeah lets geter done
  • mike

    i like those pics benny i guess i will have to get some i dont think i have any of bluegill
  • mike

    when we moved i packed those pics along with all my awards and still havent unpacked them yet
  • jason

    yeah lets go im ready
  • John Sheehan

    Thanks Ben...I checked out those spoons again.A question :Do you vertical Jig with those and still catch Gills from a boat at ice out? ...I am curious what would be more productive anchoring or drifting
  • Bruce Condello

    I'm glad you're here, Ben. You're a great addition to this site.
  • jason

    got them on how do they look