The Shellcrackers

If you've caught a redear sunfish, or if you want people to THINK you've caught a redear sunfish, this is the group for you.
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  • Randy Wagoner

    Several considerations with feeding in Feb.  I don't think there's much forage in the pond now.  I drained to 18" and renovated with a dozer last Oct. Likely lost a most of what was living in the water though the RES survived.  Yet the 2" fry to 4" are dying.  I think the cold combined with a lack of forage kills 'em.  At 5" they gobble the smaller pellets. The bigger bream need the pellets.  Also, experts say that if fish don't have enough forage, growth is lost and can't be made up.  Winter feeding, as long as they'll eat, helps.  These shellcrackers start eating when water temps reach 50.  At 60 they feed like it's summer.

  • Randy Wagoner

    I couldn't get the video at 1st by clicking the link 3 posts previous.  Try clicking the 2nd  60DegreeFeedShellcrackerFish

    that's below the search title.

  • John Burns

    Nice video and good feeding for 60 degree water.

    I will try posting the direct link to the Youtube video.

    Feeding Redear in 60 degree water