Crappie Crew

Guys who love to catch crappie.
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  • John Sheehan

    11/25/12 FISH@ DUSK.

  • John Sheehan

  • Vic Tankersley

    Hey Folks have you seen the new Alabama rig for's a scaled down three hook umberella rig for crappie and they say it works very well for the Soc-a-la



  • Jason Preslar

    I joined the group this morning, i love to catch slab crappie!

  • dick tabbert

    Made up some crappie jigs in the 1/16 and the 1/32 oz.1/16 oz

    1/32 oz

  • John Sheehan

    Lookin' great Dick. Go get em'!

  • John Sheehan

    Great fish Jason!

  • dick tabbert

    Thanks John was looking good but turned cold again won't be long though.

  • John Sheehan

    Hey Dick have you tried fishing an added spinner on your line ahead of those fine jigs you made? Edward C. Janes in his book , 'Freshwater Fishing Complete' swears that it greatly increases the success for Crappie ! 

  • dick tabbert

    John I haven't been out yet due to my circumstances here at home. I'm itching real bad to get out. I have fished the pond some that's a vent that helps me a little. I stocked 300 yellow perch this spring in the pond and they are more than willing to take my jig. I haven't thought of a spinner in front of the jig but can see how it would increase my chances and will put more thought into it and thank you for relaying that to me. I know crappies like shinny things and I know I have caught than on inline spinners before so that makes it all that more encouraging. Again thanks John and GOOD FISHIN....

  • John Sheehan

    Hey Dick ,thanks for the response ! I rigged up a tandem tube jig with spinners ahead of each bait today .Anxious to give it a try. Not sure when I'll have the chance! Hope those Perch propagate for you .Love the taste of Perch filets!

  • dick tabbert

    Again John I happen to know perch love them little spinners to. I think it catches there eye and brings them to the bait. When we use to fish Erie we always used spreaders and I always made sure mine had spinners on it and I usually out fished the rest of the boat then they finally got wise and I had a hard time keeping spreaders on the boat. But I think it will work fine for you and I'll be trying that spinner before the jig sounds like a good one and again thanks.

  • John Sheehan

    Thanks Dick! Time to utilize the spinner worm rig and hopefully score on Perch and Crappie .They both taste good!

  • John Sheehan

    Tried out this Crappie Tandem spinner/tube jig  rig from shore the other night but couldn't reach the feeding rise I suspect where Crappie (maybe White Perch).I put more line on the reel and it casts about 50 ' now. Anxious to try it out in the boat. I have   a rubber float stop before the top spinner and the bottom spinner is tied into the line .when the tubes wear out I'll use twister tails.

  • Slip Sinker

    i believe this to be the defacto standard manual on crappie ever written. this happens to be my second copy... the first copy i purchased in the mid eighties was lost in the move i made to my latest residence. found it on amazon! it is a very worthwhile read.

  • John Sheehan

    Gotta try to get a copy of that InFisherman Crappie Secrets book !Here's a list of my Fishing books :


    I hope you'll share your books over at this group I started Ken :

  • John Sheehan

    Here are a  a few nice Crappie that I got onto 11/4/13.The wide 12" took one of the jigs on a tandem rig that was wiping up on Yellow Perch .About 6 of the 8 Crappies took a squirrel Tail Jig/1"Chartruese twister tail ,floated  .The Crappie  were coming out under leaves blown to the end of the lake on the rip rap .I was in the right place at the right time.

  • dick tabbert

    Good stuff John looks like you caught some quality fish.

  • John Sheehan

    Thank you Dick .Hope to try this spot tomorrow and I wish  the wind will be from the N,NW but its projected to be from the W/SW. May have to try another spot the wind is blowing to.

  • John Sheehan

    I've read that Black and White Crappie can hybridize .Anyone have a pic of a hybrid Crappie?

  • Tony Livingston

  • John Sheehan

    Thanks for the link Tony ! Do the Hybrids ALWAYS sport the 7 spines like the Black Crappie as far as you know .?

  • Tony Livingston

    Two things I am convinced of John ....when it comes to fish, the words "always", and "never", deserve very limited usage!

    Usually, sounds better most times, including this one!
  • John Sheehan

    good answer Tony!

  • Andy "Fillet em" Eitutis

    Glad to find this group for sure!!! I LUV CRAPPIES!!!!
  • John Sheehan

    Me too Andy ! My best from my local lake is 14 " and I've caught a few 13" and 13".5 at another nearby lake .In the 80's I caught a 16" and a 16.5 but haven't seen them that big since. I love getting into them in large numbers with jigs and a few fishin' buddies!

  • Andy "Fillet em" Eitutis

    My biggest is just under 17" caught locally shes on the wall not in the freezer!!!!
  • John Sheehan

    As I recall my 16" was a spring fish and weighed 2lbs.and the 16.5 was an October fish caught on a shiner and weighed 2,1/2 lbs. Do you recall what your 17' weighed and what season it was caught in and what it hit? Always like to know these things!  

  • Andy "Fillet em" Eitutis

    Sorry John I didnt weigh it, and I cant fib about this one. It actually hit a silver&black rattle trap. Hit it like a bass!! I think it was late spring, early summer. caught in that spot 2 lake i posted pics of.  Wish it would have hit a jig on an ultralight, but it didnt BUT DONT TELL ANYONE OUR SECRET!!!!!

  • John Sheehan

    Wow a rattletrap! I n ever caught a Crappie on a trap! Nice 3 lb Crappie!! ;)

  • David, aka, "McScruff"

    I think a rattle trap must be unusual, right? I mean, it makes sense considering their predatory nature.
    I wonder how many things had to come together to make that happen.
  • Mark Sleeper

    Hi I've had good luck with the  Rapala chrome blue R N R-5 Rattle tarp on bass, now I know where the  lakes and ponds with crappie are  I will have to give it a try on them, it has been a killer on bass. also Bill Lewis Rattle traps work good too.

  • John Sheehan

    David ,unusual perhaps ,but I once caught a 10"Crappie on a  #4 Blue Fox Spinner which I thought was a big bait for the fish. It was an April Fish so it might have been protecting a nest . It did come out of sand/gravel area so I really think that was the case .

  • John Sheehan

    I've caught good sized Pre Spawn largemouth Bass on Rattle traps ,Blue and silver and other colors .Throwing over flats with early year weeds and crankin' with a slow ratio baitcaster was the ticket .Ripping  one off bottom in 22 fow on a cold early April day I caught a real feisty fightin' Smallmouth back in the late 80's /early 90's.I have caught pickerel on them  and even recall a white Perch a few years back on a Cotton Cordell rattle bait .I may have been rippin' it and letting it fall for that White Perch but was actually thinking Bass at the time I was doing it.

  • David, aka, "McScruff"

    Well, we know fish take artificial baits for reasons other than purely feeding. Protection of nests and what seems to be nothing more than reflex come to mind. I mean, nothing in Nature even remotely resembles a whirring chopper blade or clattering, neon crank bait.

    Pretty cool.
  • Andy "Fillet em" Eitutis

    I agree with McScruff on this totally my rattle trap crappie was purely a reaction strike!!! But when using artificial jigs, hometyed flys, gold hook n a minnow the light striking crappies that are taking there time striking are the ones i want!!! Cuz that means they truly do want your bait they have sat there looking at it even tasting it without us knowing. I love it!!!!
  • John Sheehan

    I hear ya Andy ,and that's when you catch plenty ;they want to eat it and they get all competitive on a feed!

  • John Sheehan

    nothing better!

  • Allen Morgan

    Ok, I just had to comment!!!

    I've caught Crappie on a variety of artificial baits.  Chrome-colored lipless crankbaits (Rat-L-Traps, and other similar baits), Rapala X-Rap size 6, Rapala Clackin' Minnow size 5, in-line spinnerbaits in a variety of sizes, heck, I even caught one on a Rebel 7700 series crawfish crankbait!

    Crappie will jump all over young-of-the-year Shad, what we call "candy shad" down here in Okieland.  This is usually in the late summer / early fall.  Perfect time to start throwing lipless crankbaits.

    Also, this year, I have noticed that a lot of the Crappie in the river I fish are extremely "light-biting".  If you use a styrofoam slip-float, the float might just give a quick blip-blip-blip, and that's it.  However, since I've started using the large size Thill TG Waggler slip-float, I've noticed that the float will do one of two things: 

    1)  It might rise up and lay on it's side.  This is a "lift-bite".  I don't always set the hook when I see this, but will start taking up slack.  Usually, the fish will only lift the bait a few inches, hold for a few seconds, then take it down.  The float will stand up, then go under.

    2)  The float will just start to S-L-O-W-L-Y go under.  I mean, it may take several seconds to fully submerge.  When I notice this, again, I start taking in slack, and as soon as the top goes under, I'll set the hook.

  • Andy "Fillet em" Eitutis

    Well McSruff we may just have to go crappie fishin someday and change your luck with the little fellas lol!!!
  • David, aka, "McScruff"

    Love the wagglers, Allen... for everything but crappie.

    It seems the word is out among the crappie clan to avoid any of my offerings like the plague.

    In fact, her's an excerpt from the Chief Crappie's 2013 summary memo on fishermen:

    "...In closing, let me say a few words about that McScruff character. When he's on the waters, all my fellow crappie are to vacate the premises. Don't even let him THINK you are near. For the last three decades, McScruff hasn't seen even one of our brethren on a hook... and we want to keep it that way.

    SO, lets not spoil the mystery - and our total blank-out catch record - with the ONE angler that we've managed to elude! We don't get many victories these days, so I know you fellow crappie will join me in our continuing campaign to skunk this guy.

    Remember our motto: "When McScruff is around, crappie are gone!".

  • John Sheehan

    David, "Mc Scruff ", I catch way more Crappie from a boat than I do from shore ,if that means anything to you .

  • robert b reid

    yep i like catching crappie he is 3lb and 15" long caught on a 2" triple tail grub black and chartreuse  wih a 1/16 jig.

  • jim cosgrove

    we seem to be over run with crappie in illinois.not a bad thing but seems they are begining to stunt.i catch as many crappie as gills on my flyrod.they seem to be everywhere but small

  • Allen Morgan

    Y'all need some Flathead Catfish in there!  Maybe some Saugeyes as well....

  • jim cosgrove

    allen they are in little ponds ,creeks.i seem to be catching them in unexpected places.just had the right conditions last few years i guess.

  • Allen Morgan

    Creeks I can understand.  Small ponds?  That's the worst!  They'll overpopulate and stunt in a few years there.

    You could always do the old cut-and-gut routine.  Scale them, cut off the heads, clean out the guts, bread and fry them whole.

    I would do this for one of my home lakes (millions of stunted Crappie), and for Bluegill, but my wife INSISTS on fillets.......

  • jim cosgrove

    love whole fried fish allen.i live in a semi rural area of south cook county.about 10 miles outside chicago,we have a lot of canepole and a bucket people that will keep any fish they catch.they just aren't always that good at catching them.there is little to no enforcement of catch or size limits .it amazes me you can catch anything in public water around here.i only casually fish these ponds as they are close to home .

  • Slip Sinker

    check this out potential world and state record crappie released for the benefit of the fishery
  • John Sheehan

    Good man ,Andy Moore!! Thanks for the link Ken! 19" Crappie !Wow!!