Fishing for Smallmouth Bass in Rivers

Actually all species are welcome here as long as it swims in  a river.This August 2012 I've been hunting for Smallmouth Bass in a local River ,the Ramapo ,and want to learn more about this adversary in their River homes.Nothing wrong with catching any fish that swims while trying to capture the feistiest fish in the river .Besides Smallies the Ramapo has offered up small but beautiful Red Breasted Sunfish,Crappie ,Largemouth Bass, Rock Bass, Creek Chubs,Bluegill,Pumpkinseeds and Stocked Trout !Quite an assortment !   I hope those that enjoy the exercise and activity of walking the river banks and wading the water will share their joy and knowledge of fishing this way ! Leave no fishing line or garbage  behind to disgust thoughtful appreciators of the outdoors!

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  • Jason Preslar

    I wanted to add the pic below of a nice smallie I caught earlier in the year....

  • John Sheehan

    Nice healthy looking fish Jason ! Took a deep diver it appears. Shad Rap?

  • John Sheehan

    Here are some pics of last weeks smallie trip to the Delaware River in New York state :

  • Jason Preslar

    Yep.....Shad Rap....lots of people use the floating, shallow running cranks and they work great....but my way of thinking is a little different.....

    I throw deep divers just like I do in the lakes, and I use the suspending models....when in moving water they don't dive as deep and when you use a stop and go retrieve they are perfect.....

  • John Sheehan

    Love the Shad Rap .Got all three of the only Walleyes I ever caught on the Shad Rap .Use to throw it all the time .Still do on occasion. I had a few Perch colored Shad raps on the Delaware .I should have given them some time .Thanks for the tips !!

  • Jason Preslar

    Here's the exact lure that I use almost exclusively in rivers for smallies.....color is called "fire craw" great.....

  • John Sheehan

    Is that the lure you choose for any water conditions or color ? I used these lures to catch about 10 smallies (and lose a few ) ,two days on the Delaware from a canoe or shore under two different conditions :

  • John Sheehan

    Jason- BTW ,I like the jointed style Shad Rap .Never seen them ,let alone ,used one before .Works great you say ?I'll look for one ! Thanks again for the tips!

  • Jason Preslar

    Yea, I use these a ton.....I use some grubs/spinners too occasionally though....

    I use them no matter what.....

  • Jason Preslar

  • Jason Preslar

    Caught this one yesterday in the river on a jointed Shad biggest yet!

  • John Sheehan

    Ha ha ,your jointed shad rap again .Great fish .I caught a fat largemouth on a shallow runner Shad Rap the other day .It was in a lake .No pic though .It was only 15,1/4 " but pretty  fat for it's size .I'm thinking it was 2,1/4 lbs.

  • Jason Preslar

    This was 19" and chunky! 4lbs give or take
  • John Sheehan

    Congratulations on the great fish!

  • John Sheehan

    Caught a few dink Smallies on a 64th oz. black rabbit fur jig tipped with a piece of crawler in the Ramapo last week .Still want to hook one on the flyrod .Here are a few pics from the Wanaque and the Ramapo River outing with my brother.

  • John Sheehan

    Welcome Brent ,hoping to do some more Smallie /river fishing this year and have reports .Look forward to some from you


  • Jason Preslar

    Caught my first 3 smallies of the year Saturday evening after work. Water's still chilly on the legs and mid section to say the least. Caught a nice 15"+-....caught all 3 fish on plastic lizards. No pics this time. Getting my new phone this week so more pics are sure to come!

  • Jason Preslar

    This is the only one I got yesterday evening while wading for a couple hours.

  • Jason Preslar

    It hit a junebug colored trick worm.

  • John Sheehan

    Pretty fish Jason !

  • John Sheehan

    What is a trick worm?Never used it . I will be reporting ,in time, on a Smallie Delaware River trip planned for the third week of July .Did it last year and fished twice ,camped over night .The four of us  did good . We are camping two nights this time ! Excited!

  • Richard Allen Rupp

    John, I am fishing the Big D 1-2 weeks after you... I will be up near Calicoon where it is almost trout friendly.

    Let me know how things work for you please! I would love to do better this year.
  • John Sheehan

    I'll report back here Richard .In the meantime here are some pics and accounts of last year :

    Have a great trip Richard ,anxious to hear your account .! What campground ? We are staying again at Skinners Falls ,we will go up to Calicoon and fish from canoes back to  the campground .We will do a jaunt down to ten mile river the 2nd day .We may try to drive out to some Trout waters at some point .

  • John Sheehan

  • John Ratliff

    I live near an abandon gravel pit.  Some part of this thing is 60ft deep but about 2/3 of it less than 10-12 ft deep and it is full of small mouth bass.  None of any size but when I want to take a new guy fishing this where we go.  I have make a bug just for this pond and the smallies eat it up.  This thing is tyied on a #6 hook and I have know idea what to call it but it works. I will try to load a pix of this thing.

  • John Ratliff

    Here is the other one.

  • John Sheehan


  • John Sheehan

    1st Fly Rod Smallie July 2015

  • John Sheehan

    Shot of a Smallie home from the top of the steep bank.

  • John Sheehan

    Some more smallies coming outta this hole . Black and Brown are the colors working . Plastic Hellgrammites and Stoneflies, Keitech 'EASY SHINERS' ,2"and flicker style spinners are catching them .

  • John Sheehan

  • John Sheehan

  • John Sheehan

    This rig has caught 6 species in the river ; Smallmouth , RBS ,BG LM, Cr, Walleye

  • John Sheehan

    This Hildebrandt 'June Bug 'Spinner caught a bunch of Smallies , Largemouths RBS ,Bluegills and one Crappie . It was followed up to the end of the retrieve by the biggest fish I saw that day ,a foot or more long Smallmouth . It is also an excellent spinner for Brown Trout with a light feathered jig attached .The crayfish should work on Btrout as well.

  • John Sheehan

    Hot spot was right where it narrows there. Particularly when the rivers up a bit . Largemouths Gills Smallmouths and Red Breasted Sunfish .  

  • John Sheehan

    Welcome Kelly Peterson! I look forward to your posts .

  • Mark Sleeper

    Hi John can I join this  group Thanks Mark

  • John Sheehan

    Looks like you have already Mark . I hope you'll share those Maine Smallmouth experiences with us here .

  • Mark Sleeper

    Thanks John

  • John Ratliff

    I would like to put a pix of some of mine I caught on poppers I made.  These was out a rock quarry that was abandoned about 35 years ago.  The place is just full of 15 to 18 inch small mouth and I have got them up to 20 and 22 inch. 

  • John Sheehan

    Fantastic John .Thanks for posting! How about pics of your poppers too ,as well as, gear specs!

  • John Ratliff

    John  this a pic of the bugs I caught these on,  They are balsa and I used a #6 2x long hook  The one with bug eyes is completely eat up it just lays on by bench now.

  • John Sheehan

    Fantastic ties John ! Mike Shultz a fishing guide from Michigan has got me thinking about the importance of frog imitations .He stressed in a seminar I attended recently that Smallies are big time frog eaters .I always though Crayfish and Hellgrammites for smallies and Frogs for Largemouths but I'm expanding my sense of what the two species  will take .

  • Jason Preslar

    If a largemouth will hit it, a smallmouth will hit it. A bass is a bass.
  • John Sheehan

    True enough Jason

  • John Sheehan

    Saw no  smallies in Wanaque River yesterday . Hope to catch them in July .

  • John Sheehan

    Welcome Michael ,look forward to your input!

  • John Sheehan

    Good Concentration of Smallmouths in Wanaque Headwater in early September ,along with many other species.BG,YP,WP,RBS,LM,CR,PS,Carp,

  • Mark Sleeper

    Hi John I would troll flies with floating line , a 8wt LLBean Orio  rod with a Water works lamason ULA force and a 9Wt LLBean Orion rod also with the water works Lamason ULA Force reel I will work the fly rod back and forth as the boat is moving they usually hit it when the fly is dropping' then I set the hook and the fun begins, they will jump out of the water 2 to 3 ft it works trust me Thanks Mark

  • Mark Sleeper

    oops a 8Wt orion