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Gill-crackers....Super strain or just part of the freak show? (video)

Recently, my fishing partners and I have been catching some really strange units...BGxPS....BGxRES...GSxRES....and who knows what else is in the mix.....A proverbial fish orgy of sorts, which has produced some interesting looking fish....Does anyone care to speculate?

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Nice images Bill!.....They certainly do look to be a mix of sorts....I can see the green sunfish in em.....I've had similar past catches in drastic coloration also....I just recently caught (on flyrod) a "very" gray colored bluegill that doesn't seem to belong with the other fish at all.....
John, this fish has amazing color tones....the blue/grey is really outstanding, especially in a fish of this size.
Hey Musky, Those are some beautiful lookin Hybrid Sunfish with some awesome color combinations!!! Way to go on some beautiful Sunfish!!!
very nice !!!! those are some cool fish.

I see gillcrackers.

I see gillkindseeds.

...and I see another strange fish. Almost looks like a warmouth mix.

Yessir....Welcome to the freakshow.
Bill, Ive noticed the same strange colorations on the fish the last couple years on the Chain. Two years ago I caught 3 what looked like true redears. They were 9inches long and in shallow water with the gills spawning. we let them go and wondering if it is one big spawnfest with everyone pitching in where they can. WE do catch those grey gills quite often and wonder whats goin on. They all taste good but the colors are weird. I see by your pictures a spoon in shallow waqter still works well for you. Id like to fish with you one day. Take care.
Dang perty
Bill you are one of the masters of the area as I hae been watching your videos for the last year and a half.May get out to geneva this week and hopefully let you know what I see out there.By the way some great specimens as always.I will be rocking the spoon when I get back to the G.
Rob, I haven't decided if I'll be fishing Geneva or Delavan this weekend....Delavan gills are off the beds, and are suspending over deep water....Geneva fish are bedding and are in 13-15 FOW.....If you find some beds, try dragging a 1/10 oz Swede thru was deadly last year at this time....good luck out there.
Rob, dropshot works great on Geneva, too. Good luck.
Looks like some gillcrackers, at least one BG/GS cross and a pumpkinseed/warmouth cross. Some other mutants in the mix. Cool!
I Love the mutts, they have a great the variety in color, it makes the catch more exciting. Though there is defidently hybrid stuff going on there I am a little more conscerned with the fisherman not the fish :-).


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"Yes, brightened my mood, Jeffrey! This was my first Fish that day."
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John Sheehan commented on John Sheehan's photo


"Thanks Jeffrey! Some fine Perch and Gills finally! Looking to get a few more outings in before ice…"
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"Good deal…..a taste of what you’ve been hoping for John…..nice fish through the…"
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"Very nice John…."
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John Sheehan commented on John Sheehan's group Piscatorial Pursuit of Perch
John Sheehan commented on John Sheehan's group Piscatorial Pursuit of Perch
"Some nice Gills and Perch and a Bullhead through the ice for the three of us. My total was 13 with…"
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"These four kept of 13 caught. 12 out of the same hole is always great!"
John Sheehan commented on John Sheehan's group East coast Ice fisherman
"Some nice Gills and Perch and a Bullhead through the ice for the three of us. My total was 13 with…"
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"Oh, good! Don't want loser anyone."
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"We have 5-6" of ice, Bruce! The 3" is the snow we got last night."
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"We have 5-6" of ice, Bruce! The 3" is the snow we got last night."
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"3 inches is getting a little thin for me."
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"About three inches last night, Jeffrey. Greg and I are planning a Tuesday outing at a lake we have…"
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