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Was going to ask a few people but could be an interesting forum and I'll admit I need all the help I can get and sure some other may get some benefit from the information. I have a half dozen fly rods not bad for someone who don't know how to cast one properly yet. Although I have a few rods sorry haven't really had the opportunity to use them much and some not at all. I do have the corner on wind knots so really need to get out and hone my skills and really improve. My three main go to rods are the 2wt, 4wt and 6wt all graphite. Us the 2wt most thanks to Greghopper who got me hooked.

I guess my questions are best fly lines, best leaders size leaders will it be better to go up in leader and smaller leaded is it better to go a size larger in fly line and will I get increase casting distance and better performance from my line/rod. Really want to make it work this year that is of coarse if I have any fish left from this sever winter. Any info will be appreciated. Will be attempting to use all three rods but my heart belongs to the 2wt ain't gonna lie.

Diamondback 2wt 4 piece 8'

Cabellas 4wt 4piece 9'

Sage 6wt 2 piece 9'

Have to find my reels seemed to have misplace only finding the 2wt reel. Have 2 reels for each rod when I get them located. Any info will be of help all you fly fisherman. So I want the farthest cast line for each rod and of coarse most forgiving. Can we go up on line and down on leaders to make up for the difference.

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Thanks Allen you have been very helpful.


 Like Allen said, tippet can vary a bit depending the weight & size of your fly. A (ball-park) rule of thumb would be something like this.......  2wt rod > 5x leader/4lb test tippet............4wt rod > 4x leader/ 5 to 6lb test tippet.

6wt rod >  1 or 2x leader/ 8lb test tippet.. Tapered  Leaders have an "X" number......that is, 4X 2X 1X etc. To find the LB test of the leader...just subtract from 9. So a 4X leader would be about 5lb test a 6X leader would be about a 3lb test and a 1X leader would be about an 8lb test.......etc. I like leader/tippet combined length to be at least 7  feet long, on rods 9 foot and longer I like 8-9 foot leader/tippet length. The longer the leader the less likely you will spook your fish with the fly line.  Some places I fish, the water is so clear, you can easily spook the fish with just one slap of your fly line. Good luck and stay with it. Hope you get some good warm weather soon so you can get out there and fish............Don in SC

Thanks Don you helped more than you know. Appreciate all the input and can say to all it is a very interesting subject to say the least. Thanks all.

Great info, Don!!
Can you send that to me I an email or private message?

Dick, When I first started FLY RODDING, my Brother-in-law rigged me up with 15 lb mono line as a leader and 4 lb. mono for a tippet!!!!!!! When I ran into my first taper leader I thought this is the way to go!!!!!! I have now come full circle and am back to a 15 Lb. leader and 4 lb. mono tippet!!!!!! Floating line I keep the combo just a little shorter than the length of my rod!!!! That way when I land a fish my fly line is not in the EYE of MY ROD!!!!! On sinking line 2' of leader and 2' of tippet!!!!!

For distance a faster action rod will help!!!! I prefer a mid flex action of medium action rod!!!!! Not for DISTANCE but for the ACTION of the BATTLE!!!!!!! I am not so interested in the DISTANCE as I am about THE BEAUTIFUL VIBRATIONS that come with a GILL on the END OF MY LINE!!!!!!!! LOVE THAT ROD FOLDED OVER!!!!!

YOU have a LOT of GOOD CHOICES given to you now try them all and find what works for YOU!!!!!!!

Thanks Greg had lots of input so now I just have to just in and get started. What ever I do I know it will be a learning experience and fun all at the same time.

THAT is the MAGIC, it is in THE FUN of LEARNING!!!!!!


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